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Author Topic:  Don't be afraid to ask, steelers are the best
Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2014 9:00 am    
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Do not be afraid to ask a seller if they can work with you on the price and or the shipping of an item, they might be willing to work with you.

Many times new steelers come to me with limited $$$$ and feel they can not afford an item. I just tell them to contact the seller and have a conversation, one never knows until you ask.

Be polite and respectful, it goes a long way.

My wife always ask why I let things go so cheap, it is just me trying to help out a friend.

Larry Behm
'70 D10 Black fatback Emmons PP, Hilton VP, BJS bars, Boss GE-7 for Dobro effect, Zoom MS50G, Stereo Steel amp, Telonics 15” speaker.

Phone: 971-219-8533
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