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Post  Posted 25 Nov 2002 12:47 pm    
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I just received the tabs and rhythm tracks to Bobbe Seymour's "Price-Less" CD, and I cant' say enough about what a great deal this is.

In the past, I've bought tabs that were sometimes hand written, hard or impossible to figure out, rhythm tracks that sounded like pac-man effects. Bobbe's effort is 87 (!) pages of crisp laser printed tabs that are easy to read and follow (even the reverse slants). And the CD is just the same high quality as the Price-Less CD itself.

I'll go even farther. Having bought and used some of the better E9th courses available, I consider this to be one of the best educational tools I've seen yet. It won't teach you how to hold the bar, but it will show you how to play tunes they way Bobbe does.

When you consider that both the tabs and the CD cost less than $30, you have to realize what a tremendous bargain this is. I only hope bobbe will consider doing the same thing for his Live CD. How about it, Bobbe?

Stephen O'Brien

Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2002 2:25 pm    
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I can only repeat what Stephen said !!!!!

I too, picked up the "Price-less" CD's and tab-book. Also got the "2 knee-lever" video Bobbe done. I cain't say enought about it.

Great CD's, The tab-book IS easy to understand and price-wise,Well I think Bobbe really wants to help the up and comming Steel player,as oppose to taking advantage of him....

Thanks, Bobbe, I'll get up to see you again.

[This message was edited by Bill Crook on 25 November 2002 at 02:26 PM.]

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Bobbe Seymour


Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2002 11:39 am    
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Yes and thanks guys, The "Price-less" tab is selling very well as are the CD and rhythm tracks.
As far as another project goes, I am in the process of writing 10 songs now.
Think you'll find this next one very interesting!


P.S.by the way,Doug Jernigan wrote the tab on "Price-Less", and a good job he did too!

[This message was edited by BobbeSeymour on 01 December 2002 at 10:21 AM.]

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