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Author Topic:  G Minor Pentatonic Scales Chart for E9
Paul Hutzler

Seattle, Wa
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2014 4:45 pm    
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I worked out the minor pentatonic scales in G and thought this chart might be useful to some other folks.

If there's a letter next to the circle that's the pedal to push. If it says 0/A that means both the "no pedal" note and "pedal A" note are part of the scale.

Standard E9 Copedant

Pedal A raises the B's to C#
Pedal B raises G# to A
Lever E lowers E to Eb
Lever R lowers D to C# and D# to D[img]
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Tucker Jackson


Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2014 6:14 pm    
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Nice job. It's always good to work out the fretboard on your own!

I see that you've related the positions of the G minor pentatonic scale to some typical major positions (i.e., "one up from PD").

Another useful way to view at least some of those pentatonic positions is to think of them as places where you get minor chords (or minor-7 chords). A minor chord has 3 of the 5 notes you need, so it stands to reason that any fret where you can find that chord, you'll probably find those other notes and be able to play a pentatonic or even a full minor scale.

So, G minor chords and pentatonic scales are here:

Fret 6 with A-pedal (toggling A-pedal to play pentatonic)
Fret 11 with E-strings lowered
Fret 13 (or 1) with AB pedals (toggling A-pedal)

It's nice to see you found another position that isn't so obvious: two back from pedals-down using the B-pedal. It's not a place I typically play minor chords/scales, so I was blind to that position until Bob Hoffnar pointed it out here on the forum.

Anyway, very useful charts. Thanks!
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Gary Reed

Post  Posted 1 Jun 2014 7:56 pm    
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Very nice, Paul
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Ed Brooks

Seattle Washington, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2014 8:00 am    
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Thanks, Paul.

I am gonna run through those when I sit down to practice today.


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