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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2002 10:17 pm    
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How's this for stupidity?

As will become apparent, I'm pretty hopeless with all things mechanical, but this didn't stop me from attempting to 'switch' a couple of C6 pulls on my LeGrande.

I disconnected the rods from the bell cranks and, without looking what I was doing, unscrewed the plastic tuners at the changer end. I withdrew the rods (STILL without looking!), relocated them where I wanted to (I was changing my 4th pedal pulls, by the way), and started to re-locate the plastic tuners. It was at this point that I realised I'd forgotten about the short, unthreaded 'spacers' that go up against the 'changer'.

I searched the 'work-area' (the living room!) and couldn't find either of them - not on the floor, the table, or anywhere else. They HAD to be on there when I started, or the pedal wouldn't have worked...

I called Ron Jr. - he thinks they've fallen into the changer (obviously, the guitar was upside-down at the time), but I can't see anything, as it's all so confined in there. He's sending me some more, but I'm worried about what will become of the two 'strays'!!!

Has anyone done anything quite as dumb as this themselves, and are there any suggestions?

Thank you.....

Roger Rettig
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Smiley Roberts


Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2002 11:48 pm    
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Has anyone done anything quite as dumb as this...

Yeah,....2 things. I started playin' steel, & got into the "music business"! (now,there's an oxymoron,if I ever heard one.)

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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2002 1:51 am    
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Though this has never happen to me personally I hear they will usually fall out if you shake the guitar really good.Also I have had to fish them out with the small allen wrench.Get the guitar up on a work bench or table.Break out the flash light.They'll turn up.
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2002 9:37 am    
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Thank you, gentlemen...

....now, if I can just find someone capable of holding a D10 up in the air and shaking it around - it's all I can do to lift it!

[This message was edited by Roger Rettig on 17 November 2002 at 09:39 AM.]

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2002 1:08 pm    
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Remove the strings, and then the lower-return springs. This will take all the tension out of the changer. Work the cross-shafts with the guitar set upright, and...if you're lucky, they'll fall out! Also, doing this might make you able to see them, and fish them out.

And the next time you fell like "changing something"...

I won't even say it.
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Bob Knight

Bowling Green KY
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2002 1:23 pm    
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Those spacers are available at Lowe's if you need some more.

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