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Author Topic:  Emmons Guitar Company question
Mitch Ellis


Collins, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 21 Apr 2014 7:59 pm    
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What year did Ron Lashley Sr. stop building steels? Was Ron Lashley Jr. involved with the company before he took over? Thank you.

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Mike Bagwell


Greenville, SC, USA
Post  Posted 22 Apr 2014 11:52 am    
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Ron Jr. has worked at the Emmons factory for a long time. I watched and talked with him as he built Legrande changers in the early 90's. I recall seeing him around long before that, most likely he grew up in the place.

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Jack Strayhorn


Winston-Salem, NC
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 5:01 am    
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First, Ron Sr. probably only built guitars himself in the beginning of the mid 60's. I was there from 1987 until 1999 and Ron Sr. never touched a guitar. Ron Jr. grew up around the place and was in high school when I went to work there. He did not start officially working there until he graduated high school and started community college taking machinest courses. He was trained under me and did mostly pre-production assembly at first. As he learned the craft he became more involved in full assembly. The one aspect that neither of us was involved in was the production of the guitar bodies. This was all done by a guy named Tim Carey. I was the main assemlbly person from 87'-90' and along with Ron Jr. I added other assembly guys throughout my tenure. By the mid 90's I was doing mostly management duties but did all final setup and inspection. During my time there Ron Jr. was still an assembly tech. After my departure in Oct. off 99' Jim Aycoth was in control and I have no knowledge of what he or Ron Jr.s rolls were.
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Jack Strayhorn


Winston-Salem, NC
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 5:16 am    
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While Ron Jr. was starting to learn the craft, attending classes and his younger brother Tony was a senior in high school Ron Sr. suffered a heart attack and was completely out of commission for several years. At this time the family turned to me to take over operation of the business. After Ron Sr. returned his involvement remained limited and was mostly R&D support. I have much respect and admiration for Ron Sr. but his hands-on involvement with the business seems to have been limited throughout the later years. There was always other key people keeping the flow. In the early days a guy named Fred Trogdon was very instrumental in the business success. All successful ventures are a team effort and in this case Ron Sr. was mostly the leader and advisor. He was a genious!
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Jerry Van Hoose

Wears Valley, Tennessee
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 10:44 am    
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I always had the upmost consideration and respect for all Emmons employees. Throughout the early to mid 70's, I had the opportunity to stop by there several times, had work done to my guitars, purchased new ones too. Everyone was always very accommodating. I especially remember Ron Sr. & Fred. Once, when my guitar sustained damage in an accident, Ron Sr. very quickly sent me a new one on Piedmont Airlines. In the mid 90's, I first met and had lunch with Ron Jr. during a T.S.G.A. Jamboree in Dallas. He gained my respect as well.
GFI w/Steeltronics 507, Profex II, Nashville 112’s, Hilton, George L .155’s, BJS, Steelers Choice
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Mitch Ellis


Collins, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 6:21 pm    
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Thank you all for your replies. Thank you especially, Mr. Strayhorn. In fact, I was hoping that you would see the post and give a first-hand account of what was going on while you were there. A friend of mine has a D10 (1988)that you built. While talking about the quality of a particular Emmons, I've heard players proudly make the statement "And it's a Strayhorn Emmons". The D10 my friend has sure is a nice one. You've made a lot of people very happy. Smile Again, thank you all very much. If anyone else has anything to add, please feel free to do so.

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Billy Carr


Seminary, Mississippi, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 9:14 pm     Emmons
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It only takes one person, the right person, to step forward and reorganize this PSG company. The tradition is already in place, along with the players, current/former. There's people out there with millions that are constantly seeking out new investments. The foundation was put in place years ago. We've all been there at one time or another to the bottom. Where does things go when on the bottom? UP! One person is all it takes. The right person. Maybe a group of investors? One name/word is what people that know will speak of when asked. EMMONS! Hey Mitch!
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Ron Brennan


Orlando, Florida, USA; Formerly, Edison, NJ
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2014 9:13 am     Right on Point
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And Jack Strayhorn.......couldn't agree with you more Billy!! Great Name, Great Legacy, Great Instrument! Priceless!! TX

JCFSGC member 2005 "Be of Good Cheer"
"55" Fender Stringmaster D8,
"83" Emmons LeGrande 77L SKH D10 8 & 5,
"67" All Original Telecaster & Original Owner
"86" Peavey Factory Modified NV 400,
"60"Fender Concert Amp 4-10"s, RV-3, Upgraded chip set GE-7 EQ, CH1 Chorus, DS-1, Hilton, BJS Bar.
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Jack Strayhorn


Winston-Salem, NC
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2014 3:16 pm    
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Thanks for the generous comments. Maybe not the best but I gave it everything I had.
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Nick Reed

Russellville, KY USA
Post  Posted 29 Apr 2014 4:32 am    
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I'm very proud of my Strayhorn built Emmons. It's one of the last few guitars Jack oversaw before he left the company back in '99. Thanks Jack

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Hugh Jackson


Dunn North Carolina
Post  Posted 29 Apr 2014 11:52 am    
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Hey Nick that was the guitar you ordered at the Knoxville show I think.I was there when you were talking to jack about it. One of the prettiest I seen.Hugh
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