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Author Topic:  Stringy Issues
Wayne Cox


Chatham, Louisiana, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2002 12:14 pm    
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Pet peaves,concerning new strings: In wound strings,particularly .024,.026&.028,I have encountered a problem with nearly all the major brands. From time to time I get srtings in these guages that just do not sound right. Some buzz,some rattle,some seem too loose when tuned up to pitch. When the problem was not guitar-related,I was always able to isolate the cause down to one of two things: 1. Someone wound the wrapping so far up on the string that it caused the string to be slightly elevated where it lays across the pulling fingers(rocker bridges). 2. Someone substituted a lighter gauged core wire instead of the standard gauge. I have found .008 gauge wire used as the core for an .026 wound string. That is just too small,and makes a terrible sounding wound string. I measured these with a good micrometer. Any one else discovered these problems?
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