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Post  Posted 25 Sep 2002 10:37 am    
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On my Universal 12 string (all pull) it is not possible to add a tunable split to string 5 (B) because you cannot add an extra pull rod to the triple raise changer. It is already full with 3 Raises: Pedal A to C#, Pedal C to C#, Pedal 7 to C#. The Vertical Kneelever lowers B to Bb. Without a split I get a very much detuned and useless C.

I decided to try the split an octave lower on string 9 (also B) and added an extra rod because I had the space. When I tuned this, string 9 worked perfectly. To my surprise string 5 also works now and is in perfect unison with string 9 when I apply the pedal, or the kneelever, or both. Was I just lucky? Or is there a good reason that this works? (This is question 1).

I found it very easy and cheap to do, so I am wondering why not all manufacturers put in tunable splits as a standard feature. (This is question 2)

Peter den Hartogh-Fender Artist S10-Remington U12-Hilton Volume Pedal-Gibson BR4 lapsteel-Guya "Stringmaster" Copy-MusicMan112RP-Peavy Rage158- - My Animation College in South Africa

Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 25 Sep 2002 12:08 pm    
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You were lucky.

Most guitars with tunable splits don't require an extra pull rod. They utilize a setscrew on the changer end that restricts the lowering action of the finger. You tune the lower there, the split with the nylon tuner, and the raise with the other nylon tuner.

On the guitar I usually play, I have three raises on both the 5th and 9th so the extra rod approach wouldn't be possible. The answer to Question #2 is that most mfgrs DO include tunable splits, usually as an option, and usually using the mechanism I described above.

Hope this helps explain.

Larry Bell - email: larry@larrybell.org - gigs - Home Page
2000 Fessenden S-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro
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