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Author Topic:  Attn Marlen Owners-new changer fingers for sale

Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2014 11:06 am    
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I'm in the process of having new changer fingers made for my guitar and thought some of you may want to jump in and get some too. The more I order the lower the price we can get. The ones I'm making for myself will be 303/304 Stainless as I like the sound of stainless changer fingers better than aluminum. Stainless is less tin-y and hollow to my ears. Stainless is also richer, more defined and has a fatter midrange sound to me.

If you want aluminum, I can have those made too with out any additional cost as far as I can tell. Right now, my cost is $18 per finger.

Email or PM me if you want to get in on this. I'd like to get the order in within the next week or so.


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Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2014 9:57 pm    
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Forgive me but I forgot to mention that these fingers are for a pull-release Marlen. I will also be making them slightly longer and starting the holes a tad closer to the axle. This will allow for eight raise/lower holes instead of the standard six allowing for both faster and slower changes to better balance the pedals when used together. The C6 changer fingers are only four hole so if you want those too they will just be shortened to the number of holes you want.
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