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Author Topic:  Uni E9/B6 vs 'pure' E9: D string licks
Tom Gorr


Three Hills, Alberta
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2014 3:07 pm    
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Having owned a uni for some time, I've always been curious as to how much I was missing without the D string...I do have an E--D pedal, but that's not the complete program eitherm...

I now have a D10 with a very common E9 copedent c/w D string including a D--C# lower on a lever... want to see if I've been missing anything important...see if I cannot do some things with my U12 copedent...

Tab some of the most common licks that use the D string!
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John Scanlon

Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2014 4:22 pm    
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Click here for the Index to Mickey Adams's YouTube video lessons
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Douglas Schuch

Valencia, Philippines
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2014 1:52 am    
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Lloyd Green's version of Bud's Bounce, Which Andy Sandoval has tabbed out and graciously shared with the forum, makes good use of the 9th string in both ascending and descending licks. It is also one of the best songs I know to drill the palm blocking, as durned if I know how one would pick-block it (and I'm mostly a pick-blocker).

You will find it here:

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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2014 11:56 am     To D or not to D
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Tom, I've been learning on a D10 for a while and would like to try a uni just to see what it's like.

There does seem to be a dilemma with the low D - I suppose it depends what music you're planning to play and whether you need it more like an E9 or more like a C6, given that you can't replicate both at once. Myself, I'm taking the C6 as seriously as the E9, and I would dislike the interruption of the grip caused by the extra string. Having a D available both as a raise and a lower would be enough because I haven't learnt all the clever 9th string stuff linked above and would not therefore miss it. (I acknowledge that a lot of fine C6 players do actually use a D string, but I need to keep it simple.)

Right from the start I've tuned my rear neck down to B6 so I'll know the geography if I meet a 12-stringer.
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