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Author Topic:  The First Noel
Ray Langley


Northern California, USA
Post  Posted 8 Mar 2014 4:54 pm    
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Here is my first offering to what I hope will be a long series of FREE quality tabs for the six-string lap steel guitar tuned to either C6 and/or Open D/E.

Whether you hate them or love them, “SLANTS” are an essential tool to playing harmonized melodies on a lap steel. “The First Noel” is arranged using sixths harmony, in the key of C, using only strings 2 and 5. All bass notes are played with the thumb. The melody notes can be played with either the index or middle finger. Try it both ways. All notes played open and at frets 5, 7, and 12 are a straight bar. All other notes use a forward slant.

Unlike most tabs I have seen, mine also shows the correct timing like in standard notation. I don’t think I have OCD, but I do like to have the same number of measures on each line and I like for the bar lines to all line up.

Would you actually perform the entire tune using this technique? Probably not! But, for me, it gives me an opportunity to learn and practice scales and slants without actually running scales.

This song should be fairly easy to learn. Strive for a clean sound. Use what you know about blocking and muting once the notes are under your fingers and the bar. Enjoy!

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