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Author Topic:  Volume pedal MECHANICAL noise.
John Sluszny


Brussels, Belgium
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2002 10:23 am    
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I have a new Goodrich L120 volume pedal which worked real fine for a few days.But now I can hear a click sound in the back of it (under the heel).So I opened it up and removed that yellow string(it's a miracle I could put it back) and tested it without the pot moving ...and the noise's still there.
Of course I could ship it back to the Goodrich Company,but remember I live in Brussels Belgium, and it might take weeks to get there and come back and it's the only one I have and I need it all the time and it sounds OK. As I'm not a big tinker,what should I do?Need some advice.
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Mark Herrick

Bakersfield, CA
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2002 12:03 pm    
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I have an L120 pedal also. I just looked at it and there is a small piece of rubber attached with a screw to the underside of the top. (It keeps the top and bottom from actually meeting when in the full off position.) Maybe this came off and you're hearing the "click" when the top and bottom pieces touch?

Also, depending on how the sleeve that the string is attached to on the pot shaft is adjusted, maybe you're hearing a "click" when the pot reaches its full off stop?

Or, the spring is slipping at one of its attachments when the pedal reaches that full off position. (I had a similar problem with a pedal return spring on my guitar. I kept hearing a strange "click" whenever the pedal got to a certain point in its travel. After checking everything else with no result, I figured it could only be the spring. Put a drop of oil on the place where it connected to the pedal bell crank and the "click" went away!)
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