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Author Topic:  Setting up pedals and levers
Alan Bidmade

Newcastle upon Tyne UK
Post  Posted 21 Jan 2014 12:24 pm    
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Just wondering - is there a given order for setting up a 3+4 psg:- for example, raises before lowers on same string, or C pedal before F lever, whole tone raise before half-tone raise on same string ... that kind of thing. Or is it just a case of 'slackening' everything off to a 'neutral' position and proceeding in any order from there?
Guitar in question is an old Sho-Bud with a new undercarriage system by Bernard Curnow, a now retired steel maker from Cornwall, England. (I think Bent Romnes knows of Bernard's work.)
Ben-Rom #017 'Lorelei', Guild D25, Epiphone 'Joe Pass', Roland 40XL, Hilton VP

First name Alan, but known as Nick
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Tucker Jackson


Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jan 2014 2:16 pm    
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So the guitar is already rodded up, right?

If it's an all-pull guitar and you guess the 'travel' available on each pedal/knee is probably close to correct, I would just do as you suggested, go to neutral on all tuning nuts and start tuning up and see how it works out.

If you do have to adjust travel of a pedal or lever, a full-tone raise on a given string should be accounted for first, before the half-tone raise. Same with lowers.

In terms of order of tuning up, obviously the open string has to be right where you want it, but the only other 'dependencies' I can think of -- where pulls have to be tuned in a specific order -- would be if your guitar has a split.

For example, if you had the 6th string lowering a full tone that was split with the B-pedal half-tone raise to produce a G note, the order to tune up would be: raise, split, then finally, the lower.

Like this:

Tune the B-pedal raise to the A note
Tune the split to G
Tune the full tone lower to F#
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Alan Bidmade

Newcastle upon Tyne UK
Post  Posted 22 Jan 2014 8:19 am    
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Thanks Tucker. Yes - an all pull with no split tunings... I think I've probably got a couple of levers over-tightened is all. Just thought it was worth checking before I go mad with the Allen key!
Ben-Rom #017 'Lorelei', Guild D25, Epiphone 'Joe Pass', Roland 40XL, Hilton VP

First name Alan, but known as Nick
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