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Author Topic:  A Harlin MultiKord as a Lap Steel with Palm Levers
Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2013 10:05 pm    
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I'm still giving some thought as to replacing the pedals on a MultiKord, and one of the ideas would be to connect the mechanism to palm levers. That would be a lot better than the Duesenberg Multibender that bends only one string per lever. Using the MultiKord mechanism you could replicate a pedal steel set up exactly using palm pedals. Since you would be having to push multiple strings it would be best to use longer levers, probably the type used on tremolo units, which would give better leverage. After all, a tremolo unit is expected to pull six strings simultaneously. To economise on levers it might be necessary to combine the A and B pedals like they used to be set up before Buddy Emmons separated them.
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