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Author Topic:  Time Jumpers in NY ...11/15
James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2013 10:45 am    
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Went to Kingston NY to the Time Jumpers concert at the Ulster Performing Arts Center .....It's a small intimate theatre with a GREAT sound system .....I got to talk for a short while to Paul Franlin as he was onstage early tuning his steel ....He was a bit under the weather , but still took to time to talk ....Great guy !!.....

The entire band performed FLAWLESSLY !! ....Paul had some issues with his steel but were soon remedied , and his performance was INCREDIBLE to say the least ...Each musician sang at various times during the performance ..... OMG !!...These guys can sing AND play and their expertise was 2nd to none ...... I'm still buzzing from the concert .....If you ever get a chance to see a concert at this hall , by all means do so .....It's a very small intimate theatre with great sound !!.....If you ever get a chance to see the Time Jumpers , I can surely attest that you will NOT leave the concert without a HUGE smile on your face !!....Yes , they are THAT GOOD .....Jim
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John De Maille

On a Mountain in Upstate Halcottsville, N.Y.
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2013 10:27 pm    
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Yepper, was at the show too. Was totally impressed with the professionalism of the musicians. Everybody knew their parts and played them well. Paul was exceptional! A true craftsman with very tasteful expression. I really dug Vince's version of "Together Again". Paul played it superbly. He nailed every phrase perfectly as only Paul could. The Time Jumpers are a great band, not to be missed. Try to see them if you can.
Oh! I was happily surprised with the addition of Ranger Doug. It was great seeing him there. He did a great job, also. My wife and I enjoyed the evening out immensely. That theatre has a nice aura to it and the sound was perfect.
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