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Author Topic:  Volume pedal crackle
Joseph Kincher


Portland, Oregon USA
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2013 8:14 am    
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I'm having an issue with my (practically) new Hilton pedal, but I suspect the problem is not the pedal itself, and thought I'd bounce it off the forumites before bothering Keith.

Basically it's this: I''m generating crackling sounds (more like clicks and pops, maybe) when engaging the pedal, similar to a potentiometer issue, only it's a Hilton, so no pots. I had a similar issue with my Goodrich, even after replacing the pot, and now I'm thinking the problem lies elsewhere.

The guitar is only a year old, the Hilton is new, and I'm experiencing crackle on both of my amps. So it's gotta be the cables, right? I seem to remember Greg Cutshaw mentioning that one's cables could have a negative effect on a VP. My cables seem to be fine-- crackle only happens when engaging the pedal--and they're not old, but they're not "high end" either. So what needs to happen here, exactly?

Thanks in advance, fellas.

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Eric Dahlhoff

Point Arena, California
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2013 9:27 am     bad contacts?
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I live in a pretty humid environment (coast of northern Cal.)
I have to clean cable plugs & jacks fairly regularly. Also the power plug on my Hilton. I finally started using Caig DeoxIt and don't have to clean as often.
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