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Author Topic:  Gary Hogue Tribute Group in Facebook
Jim Lindsey (Louisiana)

Greenwell Springs, Louisiana (deceased)
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2013 1:41 pm    
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For those who remember and admire Gary Hogue's steel playing (and those who've never heard him, but would love to be introduced to his music), Scott Anderson and I have created a group in Facebook as a tribute to Gary.

There are photos, audios and videos of Gary and we share Hogue stories and memories as well. The purpose of the group is to keep Gary's music out there to be enjoyed and to celebrate Gary's life, his wonderful nature as a person and his remarkable talent as a musician and pedal steel guitarist. Stories and memories range from his great talent, his wonderful nature as a person all the way to humorous and funny stories. Smile

Bob, I hope you don't mind if I place the link to it here:

QUICK NOTE: Before we created the group, Scott and I did some cruising around several other "tribute" groups and saw that some of them end up with what seems to be everything under the sun except the subject they were created for; this includes ads, general Facebook crap, tons of duplicate posts, etc.

We've already experienced a couple of people who joined the group and tried to do that on the Hogue page and we had to do some deletions and change the permission levels of the group. So, for the moment, membership and posts (such as uploads and such) require approval (although posting stories on the timeline do not).

We hope you'll bear with us regarding the current permission levels. While we're not trying to be like the Gestapo Laughing, we are monitoring it closely to maintain it properly as a place where people can share stories, memories, photos, audios, videos and such of Gary Hogue (and keep it free from the clutter of ads and other things that have nothing to do with the subject of the group). Very Happy
1986 Mullen D-10 with 8 & 7 (Dual Bill Lawrence 705 pickups each neck)
Two Peavey Nashville 400 Amps (with a Session 500 in reserve) - Yamaha SPX-90 II
Peavey ProFex II - Yamaha R-1000 Digital Reverb - Ross Time Machine Digital Delay - BBE Sonic Maximizer 422A
ProCo RAT R2DU Dual Distortion - Korg DT-1 Pro Tuner (Rack Mounted) - Furman PL-8 Power Bay
Goodrich Match-Bro by Buddy Emmons - BJS Steel Bar (Dunlop Finger Picks / Golden Gate Thumb Picks)
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Dale Rottacker

Walla Walla Washington, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2013 5:46 pm    
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And a very nice tribute page it is too Jim!!!
Dale Rottacker, Steelinatuneā„¢
*2021 MSA Legend, "Jolly Rancher" D10 10x9
*2021 Rittenberry, "The Concord" D10 9x9
*1977 Blue Sho-Bud Pro 3 Custom 8x6
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