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Author Topic:  Everly Bro box set on sale...?
Bob Knetzger

Kirkland, WA USA
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2006 7:09 pm    
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I can't find the original thread, but if you've been seriously considering buying that new Bear Family Everly Bro box set, I notice that Borders is doing a promo coupon good for 40% off a box set...which would work out to be about $100 off!

Here's the coupon:

Or course if you read the fine print on the coupon, they've got to already have it in stock (good luck!) and it's for a "DVD box set" (the Everly Bros set DOES have a DVD in it) but for $100 it's worth asking.
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2006 5:48 am    
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A word of caution, Bob...

That set is generally available at around $179, so that list price of $249, while it may be accurate, seems a little high to me.

I got all three Everly box sets plus an extra 'out-takes' CD for $417 from CD Wolf in South Carolina (that included shipping).

I'm delighted with the fully comprehensive track listing on all these sets, but the DVD was a disappointment. Mostly grainy film of the boys miming to their records - there has to be better footage than that available. The biggest omission? NO footage of the Everlys with Their '90s band - with Buddy and Albert.

Overall, though, a good package.

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