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Author Topic:  Joe Ely touring now
John Brabant


Calais, VT, USA
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2013 5:03 pm    
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I see that Joe Ely is touring and will be in Maine and Northampton, MA this November. Does anyone know if he is touring with a band or if he is just doing a solo acoustic type show. While I think Joe Ely is really great, like the rest of you, it just isn't the same for me if there isn't a full band with pedal steel, bass, telecaster, and drums. So before I make the big trek east to Maine or south to Massachusetts from Vermont, I am hoping that someone who would know can fill me in on his tour. Would love to see Lloyd Maines live, now that would be something!
John Brabant
1978 Emmons D-10 P-P
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