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Author Topic:  Amplifier Settings?
Lee Barber

Sweeny, TX, USA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2013 7:50 pm    
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I thought I would start this thread to help players with different Amps and levels of experience with setting to get started on the amp sound they are looking for. I hope Lane doesn't mind I Quoted him here.
I don't want arguments I want this to help all.
Tell us your different amps, Session 400, 500, Nashville 400, Fender Twin, Steel King etc.. and maybe the guitar you play this with.
There was a link at one time with Day, Emmons, and other players on the home page, but it is gone now, if you know where it is put the link here.
Thank you

Lane Gray wrote:
If I were going to "Sticky" something in this forum, I'd do
"Guide to setting your Peavey amp."
I don't recall where I got this from, but I STILL use this procedure if I'm fighting my tone and just decide to start all over.
Lows first: while picking the strings, run this up until the bottom end gets "boomy" and back it off a bit. Note: obviously an E9 only player can run more bass than a D-10 or universal player
Mids, the most crucial (put highs and presence at 12 o'clock for this step):
Since steel pickups have a strong peak around 800-900 Hz, we need to tame them here. Set the shift just above 800, then lower the level from 12 o'clock til the "honkiness" goes away. Then slowly move the shift knob one way, then the other. There'll be one point at which it sounds sweeter. Don't be surprised if you end up with around 6 dB cut at 800-850 Hz.
Highs and Presence: Presence is basically an ultra-high. I think of highs as adding "brightness" to the sound and Presence as putting a sharp edge on it. from 12 o'clock, raise the high til you have your brightness.
Picking up around the 15th or 17th fret, run the presence up til you have your edge.
At that point, you should be done and have the sound you like

Zum D10
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Lee Barber

Sweeny, TX, USA
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2013 7:54 pm    
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I asked Reece about his Nashville 112 that we used during a Fast track class and this was his settings.

1. Pre Gain: 1

2. Low: 9

3. Mid: off.

5. High 0

6. Presence 0

7. Reverb: 3 1/2

8. Master gain 7
Zum D10
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Dave Grafe

Hudson River Valley NY
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2013 9:18 pm    
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This with the ShoBud stock single coil pickups -

For the George L 10-1's in my Emmons the 300Hz filter will come up to unity, the 700Hz filter will also come up a touch, and the 3k5Hz will come down several dB, everything else remains the same...
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