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Author Topic:  What type strings are needed for Harlin Bros Multi-Kord?
Allen Hahn


Washington DC, USA
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2013 7:38 pm    
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I own a 4 pedal, 6 string MultiKord. Never played it as I left the country in 2006 just after I purchased it. The strings are old so I want to replace them. But when I speak to anybody (online) about the type of strings needed, I get a lot of very technical questions about tunings and gauges. The tunings I probably will use are A Major (not associated with a pedal), E7, E9, C#Minor, and C6.

Can anyone on this forum help me figure this out? I really do want to get play this at least once. After that, I may sell it and buy a beginner's pedal steel. For those who don't know about Multi-Kords (MK), they were the forerunner of today's pedal steels. One of the big exceptions is that each pedal on the MK changes the entire tuning (example, from E7 to C-Minor) instead of raising and lowering a single string. And there are no knee levers on the MK.

Thank you for reading this and for any help you can render to me.

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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2013 8:12 am    
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I think I'm experiencing déjà vu here. Laughing
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