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Author Topic:  KZLA
Danny Williams

Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2006 3:26 pm    
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If KZLA was playing what I hear on all the other "COUNTRY" stations around the U.S. IT WASN'T COUNTRY ANYWAY!!! I listen to conservative talk radio. I pickup every steel c/d I can and put it on my MP3 player. That way I'm not tempted to purchase any merchandise which is advertised on a radio station playing illegitimate country music.

Hey, If they all fold, mayber they'll get a clue. I believe there is a listing, money spending audience who will support a "REAL COUNTRY MUSIC" format radio stations. That would make it all worthwhile for me.

As for the political agenda, "just shut up and sing." I just want to hear some fiddles, steel guitars and a lead guitar without a bunch of fuzz on it.

Danny Williams
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2006 3:42 pm    
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There's a KZLA thread in the MUSIC section.

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