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Author Topic:  "I am Hawai'i" Steel Guitar in Orchestral Setting
Kay Das

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2013 7:37 pm    
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And while on the James Michener mode, and as a sequel to "Adventures in Paradise"......I am Hawai'i, I am forever...

A lyrical and haunting melody, written for the 1966 film "Hawaii". It was composed by Elmer Bernstein (April 4, 1922 – August 18, 2004) best known for his many film scores. In a career which spanned fifty years, he composed music for hundreds of film and television productions. "Hawaii" is a 1966 Hollywood film based on the novel of the same name by James A. Michener.

Played here in an orchestral setting (conch shell/ strings/cello/ percussion) with steel guitar in a supporting role.The arrangement is mine. The bass track was performed by David Das and all other tracks were performed by me. The keyboard sampler used was the Roland E-09. The steel guitar is the Steelocaster A6. The rhythm guitar was a Martin Custom X. Played in the Key of C.


I am Hawaii, I am forever
I will always be kind to you
May gentle rain wash your cares far out to sea
Come you dreamers and dream with me
I am Hawaii, I am the flowers
Whispering waters enchanted hours
Come you lovers, come to forever
I am Hawaii, I'll bring you love




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