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Author Topic:  OzarkSGA "Branson Jam"
Terry Bethel

Hollister, Missouri (deceased)
Post  Posted 22 May 2006 9:00 pm    
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This years Jam will be held at the BALDKNOBBERS THEATER Sunday July 30th.
Showtime is 11:00 AM, doors open at 10:30.
Some of the confirmed players are;

Scotty (Hall of fame member and the pioneer of all Steel guitar conventions).

Joe Wright (Mr. Entertainer and In my opinion one of the best players anywhere).

Russ & Laney Hicks (Two of the finest people you will ever meet. She sings great, he plays great, what else can I say).

Randy Beavers (The next steeler to listen to for new and exciting sounds).

Fred Justice ( He approches everything from a different direction and it works, one of my favorite players).

Mike Sweeney (One of the best E9th players in Nashville. Smooth and exciting).

Buck Grantham ( Mr. Louisiana Steel Guitar Himself. We couldn't do a show without him. He is everybody's favorite).

Jerry Newberry & Austin Stewart (What a duo these two are. From pretty sounds to fast pickin' they cover it all).

Mike McGee (What a great guy. You will enjoy him. He is one of the newest players to go in my book as a great player).

Dean Holman (I wish I could play like this guy. He plays fast, slow and pretty, and the best Dobro player around).

Bobby Hempker (20 years with Loretta Lynn and 7 years with Roy Clark and and my friend for over 30 years. What a player!!!!!)

Terry Bethel (24 years with Mel Tillis, 4 years with Loretta Lynn, 4 years with Billie Jo Spears, 2 years with Ferlin Husky, 1 year with Claude Grey, I wish I could hold a job).

Roy Ayers ( He played with Pee Wee King and the Golden West Cowboys) They were one of my favorite swing groups when I was growing up.
Roy thanks for coming to our show, it will be an honor for me to have you here.

The Baldknobbers Motor Inn is again our Host Motel for the jam. The rates are $42.50 a night. Be sure to ask for the OSGA special rate. The number is 417-334-7948. Talk to Marilyn she is a nice lady and can take care of your reservations.

I am Still talking to more players and when I get a conformation from them, I will add the names.
Miss Lana and steelradio.com will be there to record the show and do some interviews.
This year we will be giving away items donated by some of our sponsors. Plus we will have a 50/50 raffle.
Some of the venders from previous shows, Zumsteel, Scotty's Music, Duane's Music, GFI Musical Products, Hilton Electronics and Curtis Chisholm TWISTER BARS.
You never know who might show up to play or sing, so come early and stay late.
You get a day of Steel Guitars In Concert for $20.00, plus browse the vendors tables.
The crowds have been up for the last two years, so let's keep it going that way. Bring a friend and have a great time.
Terry Bethel

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 24 May 2006 at 07:27 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 24 May 2006 at 07:29 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 26 May 2006 at 09:24 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 07 June 2006 at 02:39 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 07 June 2006 at 02:49 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 07 June 2006 at 02:51 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 07 June 2006 at 02:52 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 08 June 2006 at 10:01 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 12 June 2006 at 09:41 AM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 23 June 2006 at 10:23 PM.]

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Lana Rosselli

St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 4:23 am    
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Awesome line up but I didn't see your name on there!

Come on down, over, or up for this great show. You'll be glad you came. I've had the pleasure of attending the last two years and it has been pure entertainment. OzarkSGA brings in some of the finest players and has one of the greatest staff bands to back them.

I'm looking forward to yet another fun time in Branson.

Miss Lana
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Jeremiah Hanley


Springfield, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 5:54 am    
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We're looking forward to a great show! My, what a line-up! Let me remind everyone that this is one of the best venues for the world of steel guitars. Terry knows how to pick 'em! Pick what? (you say) He knows how to pick steel guitar pickers and he knows how to pick a good band. He knows best how to 'pick' a steel guitar. If you don't believe me, get one of his CDs and you'll play it over and over again. Let's pack that Baldknobbers Theater and have a great show! See you there!
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Terry Bethel

Hollister, Missouri (deceased)
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 6:33 am    
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Miss Lana, The way things are going with the lineup of great players and entertainers, wow, I don't know if I can squeeze myself in this one.
The backup band "The Branson Connection Band" will again be anchored by Chuck Landry on Drums, Randy McConnell on Bass, R.P. Harrell on Piano, Bruce Hoffman and Wade Landry on Fiddles, and Brian Sterling on lead guitar. This is the best band I have had the honor of working with. Just getting to hear them is worth the price of admission.
Jeremiah, You are right in saying this is one of the best venues for Steel Guitars In Concert. We are so thankful for the Baldknobbers for allowing us to use the Theater for our show. So lets all do what Jeremiah said, "Lets pack that Baldknobbers theater". See you all there,
Terry Bethel

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 23 May 2006 at 07:36 AM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 12 June 2006 at 09:08 PM.]

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 12 June 2006 at 09:09 PM.]

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Fred Justice

Mesa, Arizona
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 6:36 am    
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Jerry, I couldn't agree more on all your points. This band that Terry assembles is the best, a steel players dream come true.
Miss Lana, Terry is most of the reason I drive all the way back there for this show, to hear him play and play he does!!!
I sure am looking forward to my visit back to the Branson Jam this July, see you all there at the show.

Fred Justice,
Fred's Music www.fredjusticemusic.com
Rains Steel Guitars

[This message was edited by Fred Justice on 23 May 2006 at 11:06 AM.]

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Terry Bethel

Hollister, Missouri (deceased)
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 6:42 am    
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We are looking forward to having you play again this year. As I have told you, I think you play so great because, you come after the sounds you are looking for from a different direction than a lot of steel players, and that is what makes you so special. You find those sounds and they are great. I have a request for you "When They Ring Those Golden Bells". It is in writing now so you can't turn me down.
Fred, keep playing, "you are a refreshing player to listen to"

Terry Bethel
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Michael McGee

Everton, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 7:07 am    
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I was looking at the list of players and... oh... my... goodness...

I'm suddenly reminded of a remark by the late George Gobel made to Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show. Johnny had saved George for his last guest that night, having previously brought out heavyweights Dean Martin and Bob Hope, who had collectively brought down the house. George's first remark to Johnny was:

"Did you ever feel like the world was a tuxedo, and you were a pair of brown shoes?"

My, oh my, are we gonna have some fun or what?
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Ron Scott


Post  Posted 23 May 2006 7:27 am    
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Can't wait...RS

Franklin Guitars

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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 7:46 am    
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We can't wait!!!!!!!! I know it will be a good one. It always is. Donna
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Fred Justice

Mesa, Arizona
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 8:22 am    
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Terry oh my, thank you for your very kind words and friendship pal and it is nice to know that someone actually likes what I play.
Yes, it is different and unorthodox but its what I feel when I play, thank you so much.

Mike McGee, son you don't have to take a back seat to anyone when it comes to playing steel guitar, you blew me away the first time I heard you in Siloam Springs.

Boy oh boy, is this family a great thing or what? I feel so blessed to even be considered to be a part of it. Just don't know what I'd do with out my steel guitar buddy's.

Fred Justice,
Fred's Music www.fredjusticemusic.com
Rains Steel Guitars

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Tom Sullinger


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 12:58 pm    
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My wife and I will be there but she is not too excited about it.
She seems to think she may not enjoy it and be bored out of her mind. I know with this line up Sunday will be nothing but fun and you will ALL show her what real country music sounds all about.. This will be our first PSG outing.

Tom Sully
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Lana Rosselli

St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 4:54 pm    
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Tom - Let me tell you a story that I hope you will share with your wife. For 34 years I had only heard about steel guitar and like her, thought I would be bored with it. That is until I heard Terry Bethel play Always Chasing Rainbows. A song I attributed only to Alice Cooper. From that point on I was hooked! Yes it's Terry's fault. For the past two years I have jumped in with both feet and absolutely love it! Now I will drive every weekend to attend a show and listen to steel guitar music daily. I'm totally addicted and determined to provide as much exposure to this instrument and its players as I possibly can.

Experiencing for the first time, Junior, Joe, Randy, Scotty, Jerry & Austin, Fred, Russ & Laney, and Mike - you can't get bored. These are some of the top players in the industry and recognized for their individual styles. You will not hear the same style twice. She and you are in for a real treat!

Oh, and please be sure to look me up at the show. I'd love to meet you both.

Miss Lana
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Tom Sullinger


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 5:45 pm    
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Thank you Miss Lana for the support and we will find you for sure.
We will be in Branson Friday so if you have any other suggestions for good music and shows, please let us know.
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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 6:08 pm    
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It's nice to see that Mike Sweeney's coming.


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Buck Grantham R.I.P.

Denham Springs, LA. USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 6:36 pm    
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This is gonna be the best show we ever had !!!! And mitzi and I would not miss it for anything. It's absolutely a big thrill to be able to play with a back up band like that. and all the steel players on this show are top notch. Like I said before , Terry knows how to get it together and he has really done it this time.
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Jerry Pansier


Green Bay,Wisconsin
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 8:19 pm    
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Terry,I don't know how you do it year after year,But the Branson Jam just gets better and better everyear. The steel players you get are always top notch.And you just can't beat the Baldnobbers theater for sound and comfort. Oh Ya the Branson Connection Band are some of the finest players you will find anywhere on this planet.WOW. Now if any of you folks want to hear some country shufflin and have,probably the best time of your life you should get yourself to the 2006 BRANSON JAM!!!
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Red Kilby


Pueblo, CO, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 23 May 2006 9:14 pm    
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WISH I COULD BE THERE!!!!!!!! I hope you all have a BLAST!!!!!

I will thinking of you all, and going down the track!!!!
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Terry Bethel

Hollister, Missouri (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 May 2006 6:27 pm    
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Thanks for the reply's everybody. I think personally, this will top last years show that everyone thought "was the best show ever".
Oh be the way, DEAN HOLMAN has been added to the lineup. My favorute Dobro player as well as one of my favorite Steel Players. Oh to be young again, oh well. Dean is currently working Clay Coopers Show at the Caravelle Theater, in the morning and Country Tonite afternoons and nights. Oh to be young again or did I mention that.
Please check back to see who else will be added to the lineup!!!!!
Terry Bethel
Sec/Treas OzarkSGA
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Lana Rosselli

St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 24 May 2006 7:07 pm    
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And it just keeps getting better!

"Oh to be young again" - what are you talking about Terry? You're still a young man!

See you soon!

Miss Lana
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Jerry Pansier


Green Bay,Wisconsin
Post  Posted 26 May 2006 5:27 am    
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If anyone don't know who Dean Holman is,like Terry said he is one of the finest steel players there is,and his dobro playing is outstanding also.He is one of my favorite players. I worked in Branson for about 10 years with several diffrent show and had the opportunity to fill in for Dean at the Moe Bandy show when he got married. He was very helpfull in the preperation for the show, super super guy and a super super picker. Go see and hear this one it will be Awsome!!!
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Terry Bethel

Hollister, Missouri (deceased)
Post  Posted 26 May 2006 8:22 pm    
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Jerry I couldn't agree with you more.
Hey buddy it is good to hear from you. Any body in the Green Bay area, Jerry is teaching at a music store, I don't know the name of the store, but I'll bet you Jerry can get you the name.
We miss you down here, so when you can, come and see everybody here, you left a bunch of friends when you left here for the frozen north.
Let everybody know where your teaching at,
See you soon I hope,

[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 26 May 2006 at 09:23 PM.]

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Lana Rosselli

St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 29 May 2006 8:54 pm    
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How about a nudge to the top. Now would be a good time to get those reservations!

Miss Lana
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 30 May 2006 10:15 am    
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Terry, I just realized that your show is on July 30th, and Terry Wood's Show is on the 1st of June. That means people who drive from quite a distance could make two steel shows 30 miles apart, one right after the other. Tell Wade, Chuck,Kenny and the guys I said hello! I didn't go to the Tulsa Show, I took 13 and 15 year old boys, who don't have a Father, fishings and camping on Bull Shoals lake. Also took them tub sking behind the boat. I ask the 13 year old if fishing was more fun than playing his video game. He he said YES. I ask WHY, and he said, "Because it is real". I was a rewarding weekend for me, helping those boys.
It is sad when a father takes no interest in their children. It is really sad.
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 30 May 2006 5:35 pm    
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I must be slipping--June 1 and July 30 is two months apart. Sorry! Terry,-- Carl Garner called me today. I am sending him and DeWayne Bowman a copy of our CD. I was going to wear my big black Amish hat, judge's robe, and sun glasses through the campling park this last weekend,just before dark. Not say a word to anyone, just look around. Problem was I forget all my stuff, left it in Ozark. My be for the best, I might of been arrested. It would of been fun anyway.
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Terry Bethel

Hollister, Missouri (deceased)
Post  Posted 30 May 2006 9:31 pm    
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The Marshfield show is July 1st and the OzarkSGA "Branson Jam" is July 30th other than that you had everything right!!!

Call me I need to talk to you,

Terry Bethel
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