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Author Topic:  A question for Mr. Lloyd Green
Kenny Burford


Independence, Missouri USA
Post  Posted 1 May 2013 6:58 am    
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To Mr. Lloyd Green: You and I spoke on the phone once in length regarding the development of an individual’s playing skills on pedal steel guitar and at that time you attributed a great amount of your knowledge and abilities to the fact that you began by learning to play lap steel at a young age. I have not forgotten our conversation and taking your advice we have 2 grandsons we plan on starting on lap steel first then introducing them to PSG. Do you have any suggestions you are willing to share regarding what type of lap steel to start them on (number of strings, tuning, possible brand, etc…)? Also, what instructional materials would you recommend to teach them lap steel? My grandsons are Waylon and Grady Burford, you can watch Waylon play regular guitar on Facebook with his Dad, David Burford.
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