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Author Topic:  Marlen steel guitars
Richard Jones

Alabama, gadsden
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2013 9:31 pm    
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got a chance to buy a Marlen D-10 any info about a marlen would be helpful...please feel free to comment...investment is $500.00 ive seen the guitar once did not really get a chance to look it over good.it was in the case..what i can remember it was the color of a Loyd green model sho-bud..
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Ned McIntosh

New South Wales, Australia
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2013 9:36 pm    
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Hi Richard,

I'd suggest using the "Search" function with Marlen as the keyword. There are a lot of very informative posts on various subjects regarding Marlens, both the earlier pull-release models and the later (and highly-regarded) all-pull models.

Once you've sifted through what this uncovers you'll have a great deal more knowledge about these iconic pedal-steels than you have at the moment. It will repay you well.

Declaration of Interest: I am a Marlen D10 pull-release owner. Smile
The steel guitar is a hard mistress. She will obsess you, bemuse and bewitch you. She will dash your hopes on what seems to be whim, only to tease you into renewing the relationship once more so she can do it to you all over again...and yet, if you somehow manage to touch her in that certain magic way, she will yield up a sound which has so much soul, raw emotion and heartfelt depth to it that she will pierce you to the very core of your being.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2013 4:28 am    
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If doesn't need disassembly and cleaning, it's a screaming deal for great tone.
If it does, then it's still a good deal, if you've got the handiness.
My first guitar was a pull-release Marlen. I'd still have it, if it had had either 12 or 20 strings.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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Mule Ferguson

N Wilkesboro NC,
Post  Posted 1 Apr 2013 12:42 pm    
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I went to a live show on the Live of Tammy Wynette and George Jones in Winston Salem.They had a very good band and the steel player Rick Nathey was playing a pp Marlen.
Man that guitar sounded good, there was a poster blocking the name. after the show I went up and ask him if it was and Emmons, and said no it was a Marlen. There is steel player bulder here that knew him and use to go visit him in Reidsville. I never met him. This guy said he was a wonderfull gentleman.

Emmons La Grande D10, Zum Encore, Multicord,Marlen S10 1972, Nashville 112, Evans HVP #2, Peavey Profex ll, Martin, Merle Travis D28M Bigsby Neck.
D28 Henderson, Dobro and Tut Bro. Fender Tele, Stelling Stagehorn Banjo
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