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Author Topic:  Setting up....adjusting pedal/lever travel...bell cranks etc
Kev Conlon


Leeds, England
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2013 1:53 am    
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Hi All from the snowy UK!!

Just acquired my 'new' MCI D10 from the illustrious Mr Byng, (thanks Ken...it's a good 'un Very Happy ) and have now decided to revert setup back to Emmons.

All rods nicely laid out in the correct position...all doing what they should be doin'...!

Hoping someone out there can help clarify the logic in now setting up pedals/levers Question

Pedal/lever travel, bell-crank slot position, and tuning at the changer are all available.....but what comes first Question

I realise that the process is most likely a cyclic one, and each of the stages above will be revisted to get the setup 'just right' ...but any advice would be most welcome Exclamation Exclamation

If there is a 'sticky' out there on this one....then I couldn't find it.... Embarassed
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Plano, Texas 75023
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2013 5:28 am    
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I believe that the old Carter Steel Guitar website is still up and there is a guide there to how to rerod a guitar and which changer slots and bell crank holes to use for a typical setup.

Depending on the feel you want, you can make changes to that setup.

Mark T

Infinity D-10 Justice SD-10 Judge Revelation Octal Preamp, Fractal AXE III, Fender FRFR 12
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Kev Conlon


Leeds, England
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2013 5:43 am    
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mtulbert wrote:

I believe that the old Carter Steel Guitar website is still up and there is a guide there to how to rerod a guitar and which changer slots and bell crank holes to use for a typical setup..............


Thanks Mark....I had already found something similar!!

So I followed the typical setup instructions....often finding that there is insufficent adjustment at the changer.
.....Now....do I ....by trial and error...mess with the Bell-crank positions....or adjust the pedal travel....or a bit of both???
Either way, I now have significantly departed from the 'typical' setup.

There surely is some logic that I can apply here...just not quite sure what it is...
MCI D10 8+6 / Winsteel SD-10 / Peavey Nashville 1000 / Hilton Vol
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2013 6:04 am    
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Kev---it really is 'all of the above'. If you need more changer movement and your current bellcrank and/or changer hole still has a lot of available choice for greater leverage, you can gather information from that. Is the pedal/lever movement particularly short? You can gain info from that. How does the pedal movement compare with adjacent pedals? That can assist you as you make decisions. The interactive nature of the pull train makes for complex, holistic decision making. As you progress you will gain an improving feel for it (and you may go back and re-adjust some of your earlier settings.)
It sounds as if you have a grasp of the concept. I see no reason why can't be fearless as you tackle this.
Remember the biggest simple mistake that people make--overtuning the nylon tuners. Always keep slack in the system, making sure that the changer fingers, at rest, are sitting at their stops with nothing pulling on them.
Good luck!
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Kev Conlon


Leeds, England
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2013 6:17 am    
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Thanks for that Jon!

Found an MCI (as it happens) manual on-line....has some pointers, and suggests a sequence of ops.

Great....sure I can get there now!!

Very Happy
MCI D10 8+6 / Winsteel SD-10 / Peavey Nashville 1000 / Hilton Vol
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Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2013 6:42 am    
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Hey, Kev, if you have already disassembled, you may not be able to make note of where all the pulls were located in the (presumably Day style) earlier setup, and simply reverse that, but the main things will be that the C pedal will require a bit more travel than the A if you've switched them, and the knee lowering the Es will require more travel than that raising the Es will. I'm assuming it's possible those are the four changes you will have "swapped".
For timing purposes you will probably have to set the pulls on the thinner gauge strings to a position on the bell crank further from the body than for the wound strings, so they move and end together.
If the guitar played well before your changed it and you copied down or mostly remember the positions of the rods a good place starting out is just to re-create those positions at their new location.
Stop by the Steel Store at: www.markvanallen.com
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