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Author Topic:  Diminished Highs Through Digitech RP150
Jim Cooley

The 'Ville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jan 2013 2:10 pm    
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I used my Digitech RP150 regularly a year or so ago, but switched to a Boss RV-3. I decided to try the RP150 again, and immediately noticed that my highs are diminished. My signal chain is Sho-Bud LDG>volume pedal>RP150>Silverface Fender Twin in a head cabinet>4 Ohm JBL K130 in an extension cabinet. The only change I made is substituting the RP150 for a Boss RV-3. 90% of the time, the only functions I use are reverb and delay. The Twin's master volume is dimed, with volume adjusted as needed.

Is that natural for the RP150? Do In need to tweak the highs in X-Edit? If so, can I do it across the board with one adjustment, or will it need to be adjusted in each preset?
Hey, mister, how do you pedal that thing anyway?

"The worst an honest man can do is make an honest mistake" - Augustus McCrae
"From the sweet grass to the packing house, birth 'til death, we travel between the eternities" - Prentiss Ritter

Too many steels, amps & other stuff, and an open mind. I have tube amp bias.
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Jack Stanton

Somewhere in the swamps of Jersey
Post  Posted 17 Jan 2013 4:49 am    
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Yes, I found the same thing with my RP, not necessarily a bad thing with Peavey amps... it's nothing that can't be compensated for with my amp settings.
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Jim Cooley

The 'Ville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jan 2013 6:53 am    
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Thanks, Jack. I played with it quite for quite a while last night. I tried a few patches I had saved from other forum members, and tweaked two or three of my old ones. I added a little of the RP150's EQ to one of them. I found that by flipping the Twin's Bright switch on, I can come pretty close to the sound I have though my RV-3. I got to the point where I had ear fatigue, so I shut it down for the night. I found an old posting in which a forum member said that he tweaked the treble setting in X-Edit. I'll probably experiment with that, too.

I have been pretty satisfied with my tone through the RV-3. I saw the RP150 while I was looking for something else, and decided to try it again. It was there... I was there...There is a lot to be said for it.
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jan 2013 8:00 am    
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You know you can have the amp models off and the EQ on, though the amp model will set the center point of the mids and highs (before you shut it off). I usually end up lowering the center point of the mids and highs in X-edit, they vary according to amp but they have some mids centered at 2200 and highs at 3600! I drop them to 800 and 2400 and the high and mid knobs "grab" what I want better. The Twin model sounds really boinky to me, the Hiwatt is my favorite for clean and the 68 Marshall for a little hair, but with the gain really low, 22-27 or so. There's a tone control in one of the compressors and the reverbs all have a "liveliness" setting, AKA "highs."
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