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Sean Kelley


Concord Village Missouri
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2012 4:44 pm    
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Howdy this is a big agrevation for me finding a wall wart for effects pedals that will not make your effects or amp hum...
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2012 9:30 pm    
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When in doubt, use the WW recommended by the mfgr. Roland warts are regulated... the OneSpot's are too.
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2012 6:04 am    
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So right you are! A Roland, Ibanez, DOD, Power-All and other are made for intrument effscts pedals. Most cheap DC wall-warts are just a transformer and a diode for rectification, no DC filtering at all. The ones for musical instrument have a filter cap in them and some may be regulated as well. The unfiltered supplies are the ones that will set up a hum in the pedals when used. The same probelm in a guitar amp when the caps go bad in power supply, hum is induced into the input and/or output stages of the amp.
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Jay Ganz

Out Behind The Barn
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2012 6:35 am    
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Stephen Cowell wrote:
Roland warts are regulated... the OneSpot's are too.

So the 1 Spots are OK then? Some guys say they're quiet and others say they're not. I've heard sometimes it depends on how many pedals you hook up.
Anyone else here use them?

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Bill Moore

Manchester, Michigan
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2012 6:39 am    
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For cheaper substitutes for the Boss ps120, I've had good luck with the Dunlop, Ibanez, and, most recently, the cheapest, the Planet Waves. The Planet Waves is the one intended for use with their tuner. 6.78 from Amazon.
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2012 11:48 am    
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All the little multi-effect ones can have the problem of "crosstalk" between the pedals using that long 5-tipped connector. There are power supplies out there that have isolated outputs - the Voodoo Lab and Dunlop Brick come to mind. And the hum is very well connected to the order of effects and which ones they are; for example, a stompbox compressor is designed to boost all the little subleties of your playing, which might well include noise. And the power source - if you've ever played in a bar where the owner "did his own wiring to save money" and the stage power comes after all the neon beer lights - uh-oh.

Heavy metal guitar players, even some normal guitar players who use a lot of effects, universally use a noise gate, a pedal that shuts off everything below a certain level. It only opens when they're playing, and the music drowns out the hum. And every effects user I know of carries a few 9-volt batteries to gigs, because if there's one thing you don't want to be doing while setting up, it's researching some guy's wiring. The batteries provide an instant, sure-fire cure. Some people (Me) just switch to batteries automatically for anything where I don't know the wiring.

And you just can't beat humbucker pickups for bucking hum - there must be a zillion pickups out there that promise to supply "authentic single coil tone!" while bucking hum... there's a reason for that.
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Clete Ritta

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 26 Nov 2012 2:11 pm    
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Jay Ganz wrote:
...1 Spots are OK then? ...heard sometimes it depends on how many pedals you hook up...Anyone else here use them?

I use a single 1-Spot to power 8 pedals on an SBK board. I only use an MXR Dist+ and Carbon Copy on the board for steel, the rest are for 6 string. I plug the amp, volume pedal and 1-Spot into the same power strip so that everything is powered and grounded at the same source. I don't get any hum.

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