Joe: Just got the news about your loss. That really SUCKS!!! I will make the rounds of the local "Hock Shops" in the Prescott Arizona area to see if something shows up. Sometimes these LOW LIFE criminal types ain't terribly bright and sooner or later may make a mistake in their greed, that leads to the recovery of your "Babies". With damn near every steeler in the free world on the lookout, there is a good chance the instruments can be recovered. The theft of a Steel Guitar should be a capital punishment crime! And when they throw the "switch" there should be steel guitar music playing LOUD and PROUD in the death chamber!!!!! "Two NASVILLE 400s, placed about 1 inch from each ear, turned up wide open, playing the Steel Guitar Rag should do the trick!
THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A REPLY TO JOE NAYNOR'S POST ABOUT THE THEFT OF HIS "DESERT ROSE" GUITARS. Don't know how I managed to submit a new post. bOb: can you move it over there for me? SORRY![This message was edited by Dennis Casey on 30 January 2006 at 08:46 AM.]
[This message was edited by Dennis Casey on 30 January 2006 at 08:49 AM.]