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Marty Muse


Austin,Tx USA
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2012 8:02 am    
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I downloaded the newest release from Jim Cohen entitled Pedal Steel Jazz a while back but have been remiss in giving it a proper review.

I love the choice of tunes on this CD; some of my favorites from the standard Jazz repertoire like I'll Remember April, and Lush Life. The band is stellar and is recorded really well. Jim does his usual good job of laying down some great ideas with first-rate tone and phrasing. The real treat in the set is Jimbeaux's Blues which features 6 of Jim's friends who happen to be some of the most happening steel players on planet earth: Maurice Anderson, Lucky Oceans, Randy Beavers, Buck Reid, Doug Jernigan and Chuck Campbell. It's fun to hear all of these guys back to back and compare their sounds. Nice work to all involved! Great idea Jim. Thanks for the great music.

Marty Muse
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2012 11:31 am    
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Thanks, Marty. I appreciate your comments. And, folks, if you haven't heard Marty's own recent disc, it's very highly recommended. Great playing in a wide range of styles, and some excellent songwriting too. Very cool CD!
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Neal Yeagley


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2012 2:44 am     Jim Cohen Jazz CD
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I would just like to mention that if you have not purchased Jim's new CD, you are doing yourself some injustice(no Fred, not you, lol). For you "real" steel guitar jazz fans(if you're not, you will be after you listen to this), this is a must for your musical collection. I have had the pleasure over the years to be able to go out and listen to his hillbilly jazz and western swing band and believe me in the Philadelphia, PA area, there is not much to listen too. They are a great band to go out and see.

But listening to Jim utilize his knowledge and talents like he does on this CD, is simply mind boggling and a pleasure to your musical ears when listening to real "steel guiatr jazz". Then to top that(if possible), he has other great jazz steel guitarists such as Maurice Anderson, one of the best jazz steel guitar players EVER! That alone to me is worth the price and then to add Jim's talents throughout the CD, SIMPLY INCREDIBLE!

I am hoping to make it to the PSGA in Connecticutt next week to listen to Jim and all the other great steel guitarists involved as they put on a top notch event every year. But due to the fact that my daughter decided to hit a truck at 55 MPH with no seat belt on, you can imagine what we are going through. We are lucky for her to be alive!

Anyhow, hey Jim, great CD and I would highly advise every jazz fan, no matter what instrument you play, to pick up one of these CD's, as you will NOT regret it! Jim, keep picking! And Happy Steeling. Nobody sounds and steels like an old Sho-Bud!
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