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Author Topic:  Goldtone PBD reso questions
Alex Cattaneo

Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 29 May 2017 5:11 am    
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Hi guys,

I have mostly played square neck guitars so far but decided to get into bottleneck. I bought a Goldtone roundneck reso this weekend, and while the previous owner said the guitar has no pickup, it does have one. Somebody at some point cut off the output wire (dumb, right?) so I was wondering if someone could help me identify this particular pickup. I'm thinking of putting a hole in the tailblock and installing an output jack. Its a red and black disk that seems to be glued to the cone.

Also, would it be worth considering an upgrade of the cone? And finally, what is a good string height for bottleneck playing? Previous owner had the guitar setup for dobro playing with a nut raiser, so now that I removed the raiser, it feels like the strings are too high at the 12th fret. Thanks!

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Howard Parker

Post  Posted 29 May 2017 6:19 am    
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I was checking my notes from my 8 year stint with Paul Beard and our "nominal" spec at the 12th fret was 2.5mm which is what we used if a guitar was to be fretted AND used with a slide. You can extrapolate from that if the guitar is to used exclusively for slide.

As to the pickup. It might be an original McIntyre but those pickups were designed to be attached to the spider with a silicon putty. I can't see attaching anything that massive to a cone. There were several McIntrye knockoffs that were also designed to be spider attached.


Howard Parker

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Alex Cattaneo

Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 29 May 2017 6:40 am    
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Thanks Howard!

I ended up removing the pu completely. Maybe the guitar will sound better this way?

Are the parts in these (cone, spider, tailpiece) of good quality? Would it be worth upgrading some of them?

Do you have something in your notes about optimal string gauge for either open D or Open E tuning, for slide playing WITH fretted notes? Thanks!
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Alex Cattaneo

Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 29 May 2017 6:42 am    
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Oh, and I took close up pics of the pick-up:

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Howard Parker

Post  Posted 29 May 2017 7:27 am    
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I don't recognize the pickup. There were a few of style out there.

I don't have specific gauges for open D/E but I do know that the "standard" tuned guitars were strung with D'Addario EJ-17s Here are the specs for that set.

There's nothing unusual about sizes used on resonator guitars. You have some latitude.

Hope this helps.

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Howard Parker

Post  Posted 29 May 2017 7:35 am    
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Are the parts in these (cone, spider, tailpiece) of good quality? Would it be worth upgrading some of them?

The critical parts, cone and spider are the same parts that Beard uses in a $6,000 hand crafted guitar. Beard does have a new "Legend" cone which is very responsive but frankly I'd set it up as-is first, checking the neck with the new setup. The guitar wasn't designed to be played lap style/raised action. There's a risk of neck twist/tilt. Best to check those things first before investing any money into upgrades.

If all is good with the guitar I predict you'll be a happy camper with existing parts.

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