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Author Topic:  Cover the Steel to the floor
Mack Quinney


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2012 7:51 am    
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I had asked several manufactureres of steel covers if they could make a cover that goes to the floor. None were willing until Richard Miller said he would give it a go. (Richard's e-mail is rzsdad1@yahoo.com)

Richard did a really nice job at a reasonable price.

He made one cover for my S10 ShoBud and one for my D10 Williams.

76 Emmons Push Pull, Williams 600, ShoBud Pro I, MSA Classic, Remington SteelMaster dbl 8, MSA Super Slide dbl 8, Gold Tone 6, And other instruments and equipment I can't afford.
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richard burton

Post  Posted 12 Sep 2012 10:27 am    
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If your having a bad gig, simply put the cover over the steel, crawl inside, and escape by digging a tunnel Very Happy

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Daniel Policarpo

Post  Posted 12 Sep 2012 1:20 pm    
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Is that you practicing the maneauver in your avatar, Richard?
I will likely be following those very same steps soon enough.
Mr. Green

Those are nice looking covers, Mack. Living with two dogs and two cats, I could use one of those for home.
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2012 3:30 pm    
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slightly bigger and you could live in it like a tent.
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Mack Quinney


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2012 4:42 pm    
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Richard, some days the way I play, that's not a bad idea!

Daniel, you hit the nail on the head. I have four big dogs. Everything four foot down at my house seems to get dirty from dog slime. We are constantly cleaning.

The reason for this purchase is because a few months ago I looked down and discovered one of my male dogs let me know what he thought about my playing. (good thing I have tile on the floor!) It was gonna be a toss up between a $25 dog and a $4000 steel. Richard was kind enough to make these for me. So far the dogs don't like red. In the end, vinyl will be much easier to clean than pedals and rod ends.....

The covers also keep the dogs from going through the legs which reduces the potential of damaging a rod.

I like them they are doing what I need them to do....

76 Emmons Push Pull, Williams 600, ShoBud Pro I, MSA Classic, Remington SteelMaster dbl 8, MSA Super Slide dbl 8, Gold Tone 6, And other instruments and equipment I can't afford.
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Gene Jones


Oklahoma City, OK USA, (deceased)
Post  Posted 13 Sep 2012 8:17 am    
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I've had more than a few gigs where I would have liked to have a cover like this to cover my identity until I could make my escape. Laughing

Realistically however, if I still played I would buy one of these covers. Depending on the venue, some terrible things have happened to unattended steel guitars.
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 13 Sep 2012 9:53 am    
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no griping about dog slobber! you chose the problem for yourself. i can't imagine why so many people accept slobber all over their nice car interiors and outside the windows and on their clothes and...oh nevermind.
woke up this morning to the neighbors idiot dog barking at squirrels again for hours.
the steel covers serve a purpose though. and they'd keep dust and rain off when you're set up outside for long periods of time.
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 13 Sep 2012 11:38 am    
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If you could position your steel over the trap door that most stages have you could come and go at will without anyone noticing. Whoa!

Wow, the vanishing steel player. It combines music and a magic trick all in one. How many steel guitarists do you know who exit the stage through a puff of smoke? It could put the steel guitar back on the map for the public. Laughing

But seriously, I've often wondered why covers are so short. My pedals and rods get dirty quickly, and this could be the answer, especially for instruments you have set up at home. No more kids emptying yoghourt cartons or cats throwing up all over your favorite pedal steel. Shocked

As all the pieces are rectangles it would be a simple project to make a cover like this with some imitation leather and a sewing machine.
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Mack Quinney


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 13 Sep 2012 12:05 pm    
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Yes you are correct, I can't complain about the dogs! ha ha They are like my kids (which I don't have any! Rather have the dogs.) Thats why I wanted the covers. Wink

The covers do, do the trick. Richard did a nice job on them. Quick service and a great experiance. I have a MSA which stays at our practice area. At some point I'll probably get Richard to make a cover for it as well.

I agree, they would be great for an outdoor gig when you have to leave stuff set up for an extended period of time, or the beer joint where the drunk keeps wanting to talk to you during break and spilling his beer.

Dogs, kids, cats.... all the same Wink

I like the magic idea, but I dont have an assistant to make vanish. Probably need some phyrotechnics too....

76 Emmons Push Pull, Williams 600, ShoBud Pro I, MSA Classic, Remington SteelMaster dbl 8, MSA Super Slide dbl 8, Gold Tone 6, And other instruments and equipment I can't afford.
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Mack Quinney


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 13 Sep 2012 12:54 pm    
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I just noticed. If you look at the window behind the second photo on the original post, you can see one of the little trouble makers in the window! Darn it, now I gotta clean that window. Laughing
76 Emmons Push Pull, Williams 600, ShoBud Pro I, MSA Classic, Remington SteelMaster dbl 8, MSA Super Slide dbl 8, Gold Tone 6, And other instruments and equipment I can't afford.
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