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Author Topic:  TRYING something new..........was fun!
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 29 Aug 2012 10:19 am    
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Well, the BIG Shin-Dig at Portland, OR's BAGDAD Theater last night came off without nary a hitch...

From the beginning, the program arranger Mr. Tim Hill, was a mighty fine person to work with. From his demeanor I had anticipated an olde, olde man, kinda like Larry Behm, but in fact he was much younger and truly a bonafide professional in his field. Eveything he promised at the outset came true. He provided some really great sound men with top notch equipment.

A most interesting presentation about country music in Oregon opened the show followed by a panel discussion with several veteran players and a wonderful and capable moderator Beth Harrington. The audience of about 600 +/- stayer until the doors closed.

The real fun of the show was getting to see so many folks I hadn't seen in years; actually decades. My long-time friend and guitar player extraordinare BOBBY GIBSON fronted the musical entertainment. Bobby and I hadn't played together in more than 50 years and getting to hear him once again was a pure joy.

Bobby's lovely wife Carol sang and played a great bass. While I don't usually have anything 'wunnerful' to say about pianists, Gordy Michael was the true exception. Not only a great musician but extremely easy to work with. Dan Primmer on drums was most certainly not to be overlooked either. A great percussionist for sure!

The real challenge of the evening, was not knowing what song was next until it was announced by BOBBY over the PA setup. The musicians worked tightly with no conflicts whatsoever and came off sounding like a close-working professional group.

A whole bunch of supportive Forumites were present from the Oregon contingent of enthusiastic steel guitar pickers. While I normally am severely rattled by the 'known presence' of even just one steel player in the house......by way of their support I was able to make it thro' two rounds of Steel Guitar Rag, a song I never ever play in public.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves.
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Dave Grafe

Hudson River Valley NY
Post  Posted 29 Aug 2012 11:13 am    
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Dreamy work on the 6-string, Ray, Larry is right, your new name should be Mr. Smooth, the way you carried off those silky bar slants all night long like it was nothing, really...thanks for a great evening Very Happy
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