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Topic: Buddy Emmons E9 Chord Vocabulary |
George Crickmore
From: Myrtle Beach South Carolina, USA
Posted 3 Aug 2012 9:22 am
Looking to get a copy of Buddy Emmons E9 chord vocabulary.
If you have it let me know.
George _________________ Excel S-10,2 Williams 700 Universals,Jackson Blackjack Custom,, Goodrich LDR2 & Hilton Vol pedals,Monster 3500pro power conditioner, Morgan SW100 amp & Cab |
CrowBear Schmitt
From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Posted 3 Aug 2012 12:11 pm
Lever F raises Es a half step on strings 4 & 8
Levier E lowers the Es a half step on strings 4 & 8
Lever D lowers Eb to D on string 2 as well as C#
(option :Lever G lowers G# to F# on string 6)
(some have lever G on strings 1 & 7 & raise F# to G or G#)
Lever V lowers the Bs to Bb on strings 5 & 10
Majeur------* 0-------------10 8 6 5 4 3 -------------------------------
Maj---------* -5 -------------10 8 6 5 4 3 --------A & B ----------------
Maj---------* +3 ------------10 8 6 5 4 3 -------- A ---------------F
Maj---------* +5 ------------10 8 6 5 4 1 -------------------------E & G
Maj6--------* 0 ------------10 8 6 5 2 -----------------------------G
Maj6 ------- *-5 ------------10 8 6 5 4 3 1 --------A & B --------------
Maj6 -------* +2 ------------10 9 7 6 5 ------------- B -----------------
Maj6 -------* +5 ------------10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --------------------- E
Maj7 -------* 0 --------------8 6 5 2 ----------------------------------
Maj7 -------*+2 ------------- 9 7 6 5 -------------- A & B --------------
Maj9 -------* 0 --------------8 6 5 2 1---------------------------------
Maj9 -------*+2 ------------- 9 7 6 5 4 ------------- A & B -------------
Maj9 add 9 -* 0 -------------- 8 7 6 5 1--------------------------------
Maj9 add 9 -* 0 ---------------6 5 4 ---------------------------------G
Dom7-------* 0 --------------10 9 8 6 5 4 2 -----------------------D 1/2
Dom7 ------*+5 -------------10 8 7 6 5 4 1 ----------- B------------E
Dom7 ------*+3--------------10 8 6 5 4 3 ---------------------------F
Dom7 --------*-5 -----------10 8 6 5 4-------------------A B ---------G
Dom7 --------*+1 ---------- 10 8 6 5 4-------------------A B --------E F
Dom7 & 9 --*-2 ------------10 8 7 6 5 4 3 1--------------------------- V
Dom7#9 ---*+6 -------------- 9 8 6 5 ------------------ A ------------ F
7b9 -------* +5 ------------- 8 7 6 5 -----------------A 1/2 B --------E
7b9 -------* +6 -------------- 9 8 6 5 -------------------------------- F
7#9#5 ----* +6 ---------------9 7 6 5 ------------------ A ----------- F
7#9b5 -----*+6 ---------------9 8 6 5 ------------------ A -------------
7+11 ------* 0 --------------- 9 6 5 4 -------------------------------- V
7aug5 -----* 0 --------------- 9 6 5 4 ------------------ A ----------- V
Dom9 ------* 0 -------------10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --------------------D 1/2
Dom9 ------*+5 ---------- 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ------------A B -------- E
Dom11 -----*+5 ------------ 10 6 4 2 -------------------- B ----------D
13éme -----* 0 ------------- 9 7 6 5 4 --------------------A -----------
13b9 --------*0 ------------- 9 8 6 5 4 ------------------A -----------F
Augmenté ---* 0 ------------10 8 6 5 4 3 ----------------A 1/2 --------
Aug (+) -----*+5 ---------- 10 8 6 5 4 3 ----------------A B ---------- F
Aug (+) ------*+5 ---------10 8 7 6 5--------------------- B ---------E F
Aug (+) ------*0 -----------10 8 6 5 4 3 -------------------A ---------V
Aug(whole tone) *+2 --------- 9 8 7 6 5 ------------------------------ V
Diminué (°)----*-1 ------------ 8 6 5 --------------------------------- F
Dim7 ---------*+2 ------------ 9 8 6 5 -------------------------------- F
1/2 Dim7 -----*+1 ----------10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -----------A B --------- E
Minor (-) -----*+3 ----------10 8 6 5 4 3 -------------A ----------------
m (-) --------*-2 -----------10 7 6 5 1 ---------------A B --------------
m (-) --------*-2 ------------7 6 5 4 3 ----------------B C -------------
m (-)---------*0 -----------10 8 6 5 4 --------------------B ----------F
m (-) --------* +5----------10 8 6 5 4 3 ------------------ A B ------- V
m7 ----------*-2 ----------10 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 -----------A B --------------
m7 ----------*-4 ----------10 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 ---------------------------E
m7b5 --------*+1 ----------10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ----------A B -----------E
m7b5 --------*-4 ------------- 9 7 6 5 ---------------------------------
m9 ----------*+5 --------------9 7 6 5-------------------A B ---------- |
Tommy Wayne
From: Nevada, USA
Posted 3 Aug 2012 7:04 pm Hi George
I think I have that on cassette.
TWayne |
Peter den Hartogh
From: Cape Town, South Africa
Posted 4 Aug 2012 12:00 am
@ CrowBear,
I do know what +5 means on a tuning chart, but what does it mean in your chord chart context?
Which string or pedal/lever is affected? |
Bobby Bowman
From: Cypress, Texas, USA, R.I.P.
Posted 4 Aug 2012 3:50 am +(plus)5
It means the number of frets above 0(zero),,,,(no pedals position).
- means below zero and + means above zero.
BB _________________ If you play 'em, play 'em good!
If you build 'em, build 'em good! |
CrowBear Schmitt
From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Posted 7 Aug 2012 5:01 am
Bobby B done told ya' |
Peter den Hartogh
From: Cape Town, South Africa
Posted 7 Aug 2012 7:24 am
Thanks guys |
Brian Adams
From: Nevada, USA
Posted 11 Aug 2012 6:27 pm
What do these mean (I know the French, but how/why different from the English equivalents?)
Brian |
CrowBear Schmitt
From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Posted 12 Aug 2012 1:11 am
simply cause i translated the chart from English to French Brian
still the same equivalents in any language
reading, chinese, arabic, japaneses & sanskrit will be harder tho.... |
CrowBear Schmitt
From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Posted 12 Aug 2012 1:11 am
simply cause i translated the chart from English to French Brian
still the same equivalents in any language
chinese, arabic, japaneses & sanskrit will be harder tho.... |
Brian Adams
From: Nevada, USA
Posted 12 Aug 2012 11:14 am
Well that confused me more, as these have different specs but a "dimished" (aka "dimished seventh") chord in any language should be the same:
Diminué (°)----*-1 ------------ 8 6 5 ------------- F
Dim7 ---------*+2 ------------ 9 8 6 5 ------------ F
In the purest classical sense I suppose "diminished" might refer to a simple diminished triad (no 7th at all) but in popular music the double-dimished 7th is implied by "dimished chord". |