Jim Lindsey (Louisiana)
From: Greenwell Springs, Louisiana (deceased)
Posted 29 Jun 2012 3:43 pm
From the time I started playing steel in 1976 I always wore my picks way out on the ends of my fingers ... it was just what worked for me, but there was always one issue: my picks working loose or falling off. I soon found a product called Rosin-It, a spray rosin that held them on perfectly and I used it faithfully from 1977 until 1998 when it suddenly disappeared from the market (apparently, the company that made it either went out of business, or, simply quit producing it).
From 1998 until present day I was lost when it came to keeping my picks on ... a never ending battle and no matter what I did or tried, no success ... my picks always continued to come loose.
After an accident that caused severe radial and ulnar nerve damage in my right arm and hand, it got even worse ... my fingers produce no moisture of their own and moisturizing lotions don't work for me. I launched into using a multitude of stick'em type accessories, including Gorilla Snot and other products like it, and nothing worked for me to keep my picks on.
I even tried a variety of hairspray products, including Rave 5 which I'd been told worked really well, but no luck at all. In desperation, I even tried things like Elmer's Glue and other items like that and finally resigned myself to the battle of trying to keep my picks on without success.
It seemed that everything that seems to work well for everyone else didn't work for me at all.
A few days ago I saw a reference in a post about Sticky Picks and looked up their web site. Always willing to try something to keep my picks on, I ordered a bottle of it.
First, I'd like to say that the service was really fast! I ordered it online at about 11:30 PM and the following morning bright and early received an email that my Sticky Picks had already shipped!
It arrived today and I eagerly gave it a try ... WOW! ... I just completed an almost six hour set of practicing on my steel and not only did the Sticky Picks keep my picks firmly in place, it was very comfortable and didn't give me that "glued on" feeling like Rosin-It did all those years ago.
I am so impressed! This stuff is great and I really feel more gratitude than I can possibly express to Wayne & Terry Hobbs for coming up with this wonderful product.
Wayne and I have corresponded a bit in emails the past two or three days and he is a super guy. I highly recommend Sticky Picks for anyone who has difficulty keeping their picks on.
Wayne, if you happen to read this, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for coming up with this product! It really is, for me, an answer to prayer! _________________ 1986 Mullen D-10 with 8 & 7 (Dual Bill Lawrence 705 pickups each neck)
Two Peavey Nashville 400 Amps (with a Session 500 in reserve) - Yamaha SPX-90 II
Peavey ProFex II - Yamaha R-1000 Digital Reverb - Ross Time Machine Digital Delay - BBE Sonic Maximizer 422A
ProCo RAT R2DU Dual Distortion - Korg DT-1 Pro Tuner (Rack Mounted) - Furman PL-8 Power Bay
Goodrich Match-Bro by Buddy Emmons - BJS Steel Bar (Dunlop Finger Picks / Golden Gate Thumb Picks) |