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Author Topic:  Mandrell lick question
Donald Boyajian


Post  Posted 28 Jun 2012 1:16 pm    
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I hate to ask for advice on something so simple, but I can't get this lick to sound right? It's the bar bounce at 52 seconds.


I think it's just a bar bounce on the second fret with strings 4 and 5 (no pedals). Is that right? I just can't get it to sound quite right... Thanks!
GFI S-10 Expo. Peavey NV 112
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2012 2:31 pm    
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Yup. that's all it is. It comes from the feel.
It's a Tele lick: to get the feel, you have to ask yerself "What Would Albert Lee play here?" It's one of my staple licks.
You also need to hit the thumb on the lower strings. (I apologize for typing it out: Frank sent me the name of an app that'll take screen shots on android but I don't have it yet) I assume she's in B and that lick's on the I, B.

Hit strings 4&5 with the A pedal (keep A&B mashed) on fret 2. Hit 'em again. Now hit string 6 with the B pedal with your thumb. Now hit 4&5 open with A pedal. Then hit 'em on fret 2.

For maximizing the Tele twang (assuming you curl your fingers under), bang 4&5 off the nail of your ring finger. That makes even an E66 bark.

NOTE: she might be using strings 5&6 with the thumb hitting 8. Same principle. You gotta think Tele
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2012 2:31 pm    
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It's not really a "bounce", but merely lifting the bar off the strings and putting it back on...probably better termed as a "pull-off" with four movements. Pick the two strings, lift the bar (muting as you lift), pick the two strings again, and then replace the bar while the strings are still ringing.

It's a lot simpler demonstrated than it is explained. Mr. Green

Barb sure has her hands full trying to play that cable Fender and stay (mostly) in tune. That's part of the reason I don't recommend these guitars for beginners!
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2012 2:34 pm    
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Donald, if you still don't have it nailed by the 4th, let me know here, I'll try to shoot a tutorial on the 5th.

EDIT: Donny forgot the thumb. The thumb makes the timing work.

You can hear that lick much slower (and on a Tele) all over Dave Dudley's "6 Days on the Road")
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
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Donald Boyajian


Post  Posted 28 Jun 2012 2:42 pm    
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Cool. Thanks so much guys. I guess it was the actual notes that were giving me the most trouble, because she doesn't have any pedals down (to my novice ears). It just sounds like a C# played on string 5, second fret, and it was tough to tell what second note she was hitting there.

Thinking like I'm playing a tele def helped. Just gotta be aggressive.
GFI S-10 Expo. Peavey NV 112
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2012 3:05 pm    
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BTW, if you drop your 2nd string to D, you can get that lick on ANY fret. Drop to D and hold it
Hit 3&4 twice; thumb 5; hit 1&2; hit 3&4.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2012 10:21 am    
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Rethinking that lick, it might not be on the string pairs referenced. That lick sounds best when the fingers strike 3&1, the thumb strikes 5, and the fingers strike 7&9.
It can work with other scale degrees, but won't sound as nice.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
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