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Author Topic:  Goodrich Volume Pedal Help
Joe Hayes


Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2012 10:36 am    
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Ive owned a goodrich volume pedal now for about 2 years and I love it.....I use it for guitar, but I just bought my first lap steel (hence e joining this forum) and am excited about using it with that also.

But it has a few minor issues....every once it a while it will make a crackly noise when I hit the top of a swell....it's probably 1/100 or 150 swells I do, so not very often, but it's annoynig and I know it probably needs a pot cleaning or replacement.

Problem is, I don't know how to do that, or whwere I can get it done in Lexington, KY?

Any of you steel playing goodrich VP experts have any solutions?
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Chas. J. Wagner

Denver, Colorado USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2012 10:46 am    
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One option:

Greg Cutshaw has an extensive write up and pictures on how to install a Dunlop pot in a Goodrich 120...

You can get the Dunlop pot from Tom Bradshaw...

You could also check with Jerry Roller to see if he might be getting more Goodrich "High Life" pots...
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2012 9:43 pm    
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Charles, I do have the million cycle pots from Goodrich and it is a quite simple job to replace the pot. I am willing to "talk you thru it" if need be.
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Ransom Beers


Post  Posted 27 Apr 2012 3:33 am    
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Not to hijack Jerry but Tom Bradshaw sends a detailed instruction sheet with every Dunlop pot he sells.just a thought.
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Chas. J. Wagner

Denver, Colorado USA
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2012 5:57 am    
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Jerry Roller wrote:
Charles, I do have the million cycle pots from Goodrich and it is a quite simple job to replace the pot. I am willing to "talk you thru it" if need be.
Jerry...thanks for chiming in on this thread. I assume you would offer the same courtesy to Joe.
Joe...you should connect with Jerry. He has a good solution for you to consider.
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Bill Howard


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 4 May 2012 5:06 pm     Not to HIJACK JERRY???
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mr Beers seems to be on about every post made with his "Humble opinions" I have never said a word about it He has Hihacked many a thread,He just says "Not to Hijack this thread" BUT>>>>. Jerry roller offers asomeone a dunlop pot also offers to talk the man thru any problems yet Mr Beers offers up another source to buy the SAME volume pot, Sorry but this is RUDE. I don't know his age but I suspect he hasnt hit 30 yet.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 4 May 2012 7:56 pm    
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Bill, I suggest you reread the thread.
Jerry sells the Goodrich, Bradshaw sells the Dunlop. two different pots.
Jerry offers phone consultation and an easier to install pot.
Bradshaw offers a detailed instructions sheet and a pot that's tricky to solder (but if you ask him, he'll solder leads on them).
The two aren't identical at all.
Personally, I'd try Jerry's next time. Although I'm happy with my Dunlop, the difficulty kinda annoyed me
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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Bill Howard


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2012 11:31 am     Missed the point
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You totally MISSED my point.
Jerry offered to help someone... then another third party comes in UNINVITED and sticks their 2 cents into the mix. If Tom Bradshaw had answered the post first then fine,Then on top of everything Mr Beers says.
NOT TO HIJACK this POST. REALLY then what was his intent?. Jerry and Tom are both in business, competition is fine others sticking their nose in EVERY Post on the forum is annoying. No common courtesy exist Mickey Adams had a steel to sell a few weeks ago and waited because someone had a similar steel already listed that is being thoughtful and courteous. I saw one rude A$$ actually put a post in someones For Sale section that his steel could be bought new for a few hundred less,this man had extras put on his steel and if it were to high then DON"T BUY IT!... B0b needs to stop some of these rude people doing things like that.

I'm over 60 years old actually going on 62 I find the younger generation very offensive,they make rude comments about old people in many ways. If you think age discrimination isn't around think again Now on Craigslist people wanting Band members will post they want someone from 30 to 45...Really I guess when you turn 47 of 48 you forget everything and sit with a load in your pants all day>?.
US OLD FARTS respect other peoples turf and trying to undermine Jerry is WRONG..and as far as I'm concerned does just that.... Of course "NOT TO HIJACK THIS THREAD"
As far as DUNLOP Pots? I have one with MAYBE 20 hours on it,I'm going to the Music store here in Indy to get a new one because this one is BAD!.
I now call it a DONE-FLOPPED thirty some bucks down the drain
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David Beckner

Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2012 12:00 pm    
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Are you trying to pick on us young pups? Laughing I am 43 and have found while some young generation are quick to hijack or post something totally irrelevent to the thread , it is actually some of the older generation who are quick to hand down their way of thinking . Maybe it is the way they were taught but it doesnt always mean that way is the only way .
An example of this is back when I first started trying to find my way around and learn the pedal steel I had a well known member on this forum who told me in an email that a "Newby who couldnt find his A$$ in a snow storm had no place on the forum" and in his opinion it would take years and years to learn..I ask him if he was afraid that if given a little time I would become better than him..I took my guitar and broke it down in sections , learning open chords. pedals, knees a few fills etc , and in 7 months played my first gig.

I will say this about the topic at hand-- If JERRY ROLLER says I will help you - TAKE IT TO THE BANK- This man is one of the most thoughtful, honest and caring members on this forum..
WILCOX SD10 (love the white mica)
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Bill Howard


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2012 5:13 pm     Tired of it
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David I just get tired of seeing someone offer help or their product only to have a dis interested 3rd party start hawking for someone else. Jerry offers a volume pot he was the first to offer the man a volume pot not only that but offers to guide the man step by step,Now you know from your own experience of buying the steel guitar course... then not understanding something then nearly got cussed out by asking the author of the steel course for a little help... (thought you would like this:)...
Jerry is a great person. What happened to common sense?,It is like me saying David I have a steel you may like, then right under my post, DAVID JOHN SMITH sells steels.....same difference!. SO WHAT john Smith didn't offer to help anyone either... SORRY...
NOT to Hijack this thread....
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2012 8:44 pm    
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Hey guys, I am not offended or put out in any way. Why don't we close this thread and move on. Joe has options so he should be able to solve his problem with the info he has.
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Joseph Meditz

Sierra Vista, AZ
Post  Posted 6 May 2012 10:25 am    
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Joe Hayes wrote:
.every once it a while it will make a crackly noise when I hit the top of a swell....it's probably 1/100 or 150 swells I do, so not very often

There is a small chance that there is a loose connection in the pedal. Does it happen only when the pedal is floored? Maybe there is some mechanical interference.

I suggest you take the cover off the bottom and have a look inside. See if anything is loose, like wires or the nut holding the jack. Also see if you have the PEC long life pot. If so is the string overly tight? I heard that that can shorten its life.

Admittedly this is a long shot. But in the least you'll get an idea of what is involved in replacing the pot and the confidence to do it.

Good luck,
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2012 10:39 am    
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Joe, Josephs post made me think of something. If you remove the bottom cover from the pedal, push it all the way down and check to see if the pot terminal or wire to that terminal is hitting the screw that holds the rubber pad in place. Some models have that terminal just almost touching that screw and if a wire is bare a short distance from that terminal it could touch the screw and ground out.
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