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Author Topic:  Copedent Co-Dependency-Franklin Pedal-2 be (with)or without?
Ben Banville

Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 11:38 am    
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While the A, B, and C, pedals seem relatively straightforward in divulging their reasons to be, the Franklin pedal seems somewhat more esoteric in this regard. The copedent of the pedal steel I'm having built does include the Franklin pedal, but I'm not clear as to its function, and can easily think of other purposes to which that pedal could be put. (Like lowering the G# 3rd string and the G# 6th string to G, creating a minor in the first bar position) My options are to leave the Franklin pedal and add a 5th pedal for this purpose, or, forgo the Franklin pedal and use the 4th pedal for the G# to G lower. What makes the most sense, and WHY?

Last edited by Ben Banville on 16 Apr 2012 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ben Lawson


Brooksville Florida
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 12:07 pm    
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I lower the G#'s to G on a knee lever. I still get the minor in the same fret but if I raise the B's to C# you get a IV-7th with that change. I don't have the Franklin pedal either but I do drop the 10th string(B) to A. It also drops 9 D to C#. Kind of a C6th sound??
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Ben Banville

Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 1:08 pm    
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Thanks, ben. Originally, I was thinking of setting up the RKL to do the G# to G lower and have the 4th pedal lower G# to F#, but evidently, it's easier to put the G# to F# on a lever , and after lengthy discussions about using double stops on the RKL, it seemed less problematic to usurp the Franklin pedal function and put the G# to G in its place. My question is still unanswered...WHY would i want the Franklin pedal in the first place? What is its purpose? What cool uses can I put it to?
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