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Author Topic:  Is there a "standard" C6 copedant?
Richard Rice

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 7:31 am    
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After reading/gazing at a few different charts, there seem to be as many variations as there are pickers..

This being my first C6 PSG, I'm in the dark. Not sure if what I have on this Marlen is normal or not. So far the pedals don't seem to be particularly useful, but what the heck do I know.. LOL

If there's a standard I could check it against, I think I would be able to figure out if it's the guitar or the operator..

I have this tuned (low to high) CFACEGACEG

'84 Marlen Custom D-10, 8X4
Oahu Tonemaster 6 string lap steel
Rice Custom 6 string lap steel
Republic Squareneck Tricone
Homebrew 6 string reso
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Steelin' thru a '72 Vibrosonic Reverb and a '69 Dual Showman Reverb (Stereo)
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Paul Wade

Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 7:38 am     c6th
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look here> http://bb.steelguitarforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=1493825

p.w Smile
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Jim Bates


Alvin, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 8:01 am    
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A lot of us use the same tuning you have with G on top, and pedal 5 change from G to G# a must for the diminished and augumented chords. I suggest you try this first so you can see and hear how the full chords sound. Then if you want, then try the D on top.


ps- I did change my pedal 4 to lower both E's to Eb which gives a nice sound and some more flexibility.
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Richard Rice

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 8:13 am    
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Thanks guys. Wink These resources will definitely give me food for thought.. LOL..

So far I'm doing OK (for a guy who has maybe an hour on this neck to date)but I know there is so much more to find.. I find the C6 more intuitive in many ways, but think that getting the pedals (and two knees) under control will increase my fluency a thousand fold..
'84 Marlen Custom D-10, 8X4
Oahu Tonemaster 6 string lap steel
Rice Custom 6 string lap steel
Republic Squareneck Tricone
Homebrew 6 string reso
10 string Melobar- Rice modified
Rice Custom 8 string reso (under construction)
Hohner 6 string lap guitar (acoustic)
Kustom K-500 tuck & roll
Peavey Century
Peavey Vegas 400
Peavey CS-800
Bag End custom 1X12 & 1X15 cabs w.EV drivers
Steelin' thru a '72 Vibrosonic Reverb and a '69 Dual Showman Reverb (Stereo)
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Richard Rice

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 12:11 pm    
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I'm happy to report the instrument is fine. The loose nut holding the bar is out of whack..

One of my pedals (I'm away from my PSG, I think it may have been P5) does a bunch more than on the charts, I noticed it, then didn't write it down, so I'll have to see what's really going on there- it did what was expected, but then moved two other notes higher up as well.. That would explain why the chords didn't line up with what I was expecting. Somebody must have added or changed something under the hood.. At least I know what to look for now. Thanks again! Very Happy
'84 Marlen Custom D-10, 8X4
Oahu Tonemaster 6 string lap steel
Rice Custom 6 string lap steel
Republic Squareneck Tricone
Homebrew 6 string reso
10 string Melobar- Rice modified
Rice Custom 8 string reso (under construction)
Hohner 6 string lap guitar (acoustic)
Kustom K-500 tuck & roll
Peavey Century
Peavey Vegas 400
Peavey CS-800
Bag End custom 1X12 & 1X15 cabs w.EV drivers
Steelin' thru a '72 Vibrosonic Reverb and a '69 Dual Showman Reverb (Stereo)
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 2:55 pm    
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When all else fails, watch the nylon nuts.
the 5&1 seen on charts is pretty much a minimum, with lots of folks adding more, or putting pedals on knees (pressing P5 and 7 together is an oft-used combo; putting one on a knee avoids, or reduces, double-footing)
PS: if this repeats what was in that thread, sorry. I was driving, didn't wanna follow a link)
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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