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Author Topic:  Any D-10 Thumbpick Swappers?
Mike Schwartzman


Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 12:29 pm    
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I'm curious to see if when switching from the E9th neck (on a D-10) to the C6th neck, does anyone change to a more flexible thumbpick?
Or do most players use the same thumbpick on both necks from song to song?

I'm using the same thumbpick on both necks now, but when brushing or strumming those larger string groups on C6th (which I'm relatively new at), I was thinking a slightly more flexible thumbpick might be handy. What's your take?
Emmons Push Pull, BMI, Session 400, Home of the Slimcaster Tele.
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Bob Tuttle

Republic, MO 65738
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2012 1:08 pm    
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I've been playing for 60 years and I've never heard of anyone switching thumb picks when they change necks. There could be someone out there that does, I just haven't heard of it being done. You shouldn't have any problem using your regular thumb pick for the C6th strums. Just don't dig in too deep with the pick.
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