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Author Topic:  A New One at Our House
Ernest Cawby

Lake City, Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 14 Jul 2005 3:15 am    
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Yes we have a new one, a Sho-Bud S10 3 & 2, Pro 1, the most beat up axe you have ever seen, but a dream come true.
Here is the story, I bought a guitar from off the forum, taken out of the case it was a beauty, Black Mica,crome trim not a mark on it, BUT IT WAS NOT PLAYABLE. Parts were broken, parts missing, tuned it played three chords and everything was out of tune, retuned it 10 times with the same results. Nan and belinda came out to see the new one, and when they heard it left and went back into the house and said it is not a Sho-bud and does not sound good.
I knew right then i was in trouble, a guitar that you could not play and a wife and doughter that was unhappy with the new arrival.
Carried it yesterday to Johnny bondz music to see if he could fix it, some oil and adjustments and it staid in tune but the pedals were to hard to push, and my leg got sore in a few minutes.
He came out with the Sho-Bud pro 1 3&2,it is the uglyest axe you have ever seen, unkept, old , mistreated, but played like a dream, we traded, and now i AM A HAPPY CAMPER.
Johnny came to the club jam later and wanted the builders phone number, it turned out some parts are broken, and are missing, he is happy with his new guitar and i am very happy.
When my Sho-Bud The Professional comes back from Leon Roberts with a new parts under it the pro 1 will go also.
Happy ending to a bad start this week.

That Jack is why I did not come to the club jam to play I was so upset I did not want to play, but thanks to Johnny things turned out right.
Thanks Don Sulesky for the use of your Super Pro, and James price for the picks, and Frank Shafer he let me play his silver Rick, and his George boards, don-t get no better than that. All in the same day.

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