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Author Topic:  Newbie pick question
Bill Bairley

Florida, USA
Post  Posted 29 Feb 2012 5:28 pm    
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Being a professional(6 string) guitar player for 40+ years, I'm finding it REAL hard to block accurately with fingerpicks. The thumbpick isn't so bad; I can deal with it. When I play with no picks at all my playing is clean, grips and blocking are easy, but of course the tone suffers. I guess I just have to learn to use fingerpicks? I have played guitar for years using a standard pick with thumb and index finger and picking with the remaining fingers, so using just the fingers without picks feel great. And I'm MUCH faster than with the fingerpicks.
Is there a trick to learning to use the fingerpicks other that just time spent?
Thanks for your answers in advance. This forum is wonderful.
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Bud Angelotti

Larryville, NJ, USA
Post  Posted 29 Feb 2012 5:54 pm    
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The only "trick" other than time spent is you must learn to use your body, in this case your hand and fingers, in a way they are just not used to. People spend years on a golf swing or a tennis swing. It's the same thing. Learning a new way to use your body (hand) that is not a natural movement, at least not at first. You already are "set in your ways" with 6 strings. And that is great. It is a different motion and way to use your hands. Mr. Anderson has addressed this over the years.
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