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Author Topic:  Wet reverb A/B with Surf Rider...quick findings.
Benjamin Wolfram


Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2012 1:38 am    
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Okay some quick findings with my two reverb pedals, the mono Wet and the Solid Gold FX Surf Rider. Both good reverbs.

Hands down the Wet is a much nicer sounding reverb. I actually prefer the overall vibe of the Surf Rider as it sounds a little more like a vintage type reverb to me (after all it's modelled after the old Fender spring reverb units) but the only reason I won't be using it is that for some reason it seems to be distorting my signal. I've got a Goodrich H10K going into it so maybe that's got something to do with it but I wouldn't have thought so. It's not distorting much but enough that it doesn't sound properly clean anymore. And no it's not the amp because it's going into a Fender Silverface Bassman 100 and a 115 cab loaded with an Eminence EPS15C. Played dry there is no way I can get it to distort. Hope I can suss this pedal out though because it is a great sounding reverb...minus the slight clipping of my signal which just isn't useable.

The Wet is just a lovely reverb pedal. Simple and sounds terrific. No clipping here of any kind, just good lush easy to dial in reverb. If the Surf Rider doesn't work out I might sell it and buy another Wet for my guitar pedal board because I play on having one reverb pedal dedicated to my steel rig separate from my guitar rig.

The Wet sounds beautiful with the rig. Simple and great. Highly recommended.
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