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Author Topic:  Match-Bro power supply
Jim Gaines

Independence, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2011 1:20 pm    
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Has anyone every tried to use a 1 Spot as a power supply for a Match-Bro.

Any ideas would be welcome.

Thanks for your time,

Jim Gaines
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2011 1:32 pm    
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I can't remember, but didn't the Matchbro have a wierd voltage requirement like 18 volts or something like that. Can't remember. If it's 9 volts with the correct polarity, it should work. If it's 18 volts, the Dunlop DC Brick should work. It has both 9v and 18v outputs.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2011 5:20 pm    
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I don't think it will work. I have a MatchBro and don't remember what it takes, but from past posts on here it requires the special Goodrich power supply.

I've always used batteries and they will last for months or even years depending on use. I have added a power on/off switch that is in series with the "power" on/off connection in the input jack.

The power on/off switch, allows leaving the input guitar cord plugged in. It also serves as a "mute" when on stage - I turn it "off" when we take a break.

As both the switch must be turned on and a guitar cord plugged into the input for the power to be on, if the switch is accidentally turned on while transporting it will not power on.
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Tom Wolverton

Carpinteria, CA
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2011 8:17 pm    
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Some folks use an IBM wall wart with the MatchBro I asked some who did this. Here is what they said:

The IBM adapter says 16-10V DC and 2.2-3.2A. The polarity is positive.
I've actually been using a different one, which is a lot more compact than the IBM. This one is 12V DC and 1A. Not sure about the polarity, but I assume it's the same as the IBM adapter, since it works.
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Ernie Renn

Brainerd, Minnesota USA
Post  Posted 14 Jan 2012 3:47 pm    
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I received a Matchbro from Buddy. I asked about a power supply and he said that batteries last so long in the unit that I wouldn't need one. You just have to remember to unplug it. Winking
My best,

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2012 3:30 am    
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As I noted on a previous forum post about the MatchBro and unplugging to turn it off. I have installed a power on/off switch that is in series with the Goodrich power lead that goes to the input jack. Thus, I can turn it off (or on) without having to unplug the guitar cord to the input jack.

As the switch is in series with the original contact on the input jack it takes both to actually turn it on, thus if the added on/off switch is accidentaly moved to on during transporting it won't actually turn it on.

Another advantage is on stage during a break. I switch it to the off position and basically "mute" the guitar.

The switch is mounted on the bottom of the unit as it was the only place available to mount a switch. I have one of the original models that has the tone control in the bypass mode.

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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 15 Jan 2012 10:38 am    
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I've used an IBM Laptop power supply on an original Match Bro. It worked well. I sold it and it's still working fine.

The original config uses two 9V batteries in series, so I just installed a jack the fits the IBM plug, and wired it to the battery feed. 18 VDC, make sure you use the same polarity as the batteries.

There's a picture of the supply in my old ad:
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