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Author Topic:  Marty Stuart&Gary Carter
Bill Howard


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 28 Nov 2012 5:34 am    
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I know Gary is a PSG forum member,
I saw that M Stuart show w Alison K..I deleted it..
I saw all the hoopla on Alison Krause....YAWN
Jerry Douglas is one of the best to ever play a Dobro period Jerry has not played a lot of country music since Tony Rice and JD Crowe. If you like contemporary/pop then Alison does your style.
She got really famous playing old time music on Brother where art thou,then left that style in the dirt...
On the other hand Gary carter plays country music EVERY week!.
My favorite Marty Stuart show by FAR!, the one with Willie Cantu and Chuck Wagon Gang!!! how could anyone who claims to like country music not like that show?.
Made in Japan gave me cold chills!. Gary Carter played Apple Jack as good as Tom ever did, Tom would be the first to tell you that, I never met a nicer person than Tom Brumley I met him in 1980 and will post my picture with him when I hook up my scanner. I told Tom
I had a little black fender student model Tom treated me like royalty and encouraged me, He is one of the nicest steel players I ever met (along with Jeff Newman...Jeff loved to have fun...)
Gary Carter even nailed that Brumley ending.
Gary my hats off to you brother you one of the BEST around!. Also Paul Martin What a picker you are too!...
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