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Author Topic:  most common tuning D6
Lonnie Portwood

Jacksonville, fl. USA
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2011 6:02 pm    
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A friend has a double 6 st. Fender which belonged to His father, now deceased. The guitar has sockets for three legs (no legs. I need most common tunings and string guages for this instrument. He can not find a serial number anywhere, so would like a guess as to age, and approximate value. I'm thinking late 40's or early 50's. I have not seen the guitar, but description sounds like finish is in fair condition. He wants to string it up and check out electronics, et. and prepare for sale. Thanks for any help on this. Lonnie Portwood
Music is probably the most "spiritual of mankinds emotions, and when practised with a pure heart, can lead one into the presence of God, who invented it. Lonnie Portwood
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2011 7:41 pm    
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Two good tunings to use would be C6th and C#m7.
1. E
2. C
3. A
4. G
5. E
6. C

1. E
2. C#
3. G#
4. E
5. B
6. E

Strings for the first tuning would range from approximately .013 to .040; strings for the second tuning would range from approximately .013 to .056. Both sets of strings are available through the Steel Guitar Forum. (Click on the Strings link at the top of the page.)
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Lonnie Portwood

Jacksonville, fl. USA
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2011 8:10 pm    
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Thanks, Brad. You just verified info I just rec from a friend in Ocala. I appreciate your response and have a great New Year. Lonnie
Music is probably the most "spiritual of mankinds emotions, and when practised with a pure heart, can lead one into the presence of God, who invented it. Lonnie Portwood
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Papa Joe Pollick

Swanton, Ohio
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2011 8:24 pm    
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Brad..I'm reading that C#m7 as an E 6th..Where am I going astray??
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Steve Ahola

Concord, California
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2011 12:13 am    
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Papa Joe Pollick wrote:
Brad..I'm reading that C#m7 as an E 6th..Where am I going astray??

You are correct- C# is the relative minor of E so the open chord is both a C#m7 and an E6. In the 30's and 40's it was called C#m7 and was one of the more popular 6 string tunings. So because of that heritage many people still call it C#m7.

FWIW Noel Boggs is associated with a very cool 8 string tuning which is like a cross between E9th and C#m7:
C# (this would be a B in E9th tuning)

I use this alternate tuning a lot with my 8 string E9th steels, when I want to get into a more melodic and jazzy frame of mind.

Steve Ahola

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Papa Joe Pollick

Swanton, Ohio
Post  Posted 30 Dec 2011 8:19 pm    
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Thanks Steve..I'm not very sharp on theory.. Laughing
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