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Author Topic:  Please help with old Oahu wiring problem
David Hayes


California, USA
Post  Posted 14 Jan 2012 2:49 am    
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Hi all:

I have an old Oahu (see pic below) that has had the pots changed. It doesn't sound right - the higher e string is much lower volume - less twang that a usual lap steel and it is very bassey on the low e string. I have the original pots. They are stackpole W618 and one of them (I think the tone pot) has two resistors on it - one resistor bridges two of the three posts and the other resistor comes off one of the posts. The replacements are new 500k allparts pots without any resistors on either of them. Does anyone have any information on how this should be wired properly, what parts are correct even a referral to a tech who is knowledgeable but not too expensive would be appreciated. I am in Orange County California. I would like to get this thing sounding the way she should - any help appreciated.

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