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James Mayer

back in Portland Oregon, USA (via Arkansas and London, UK)
Post  Posted 14 Dec 2011 2:30 pm    
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Fallout is a post-apocalyptic series that has plenty of cool 40's and 50's style artwork, as if the bomb dropped in that era. The soundtrack has plenty of old country and western like "Heartaches By The Number" and "Big Iron". I noticed the steel playing on THIS song and did a little research. It's actually a modern recording by the Lost Weekend Swing Band. The steel is played by Bobby Black. Pretty cool.

It's interesting to think of all the teenagers being exposed to this sort of thing.
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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 14 Dec 2011 5:35 pm    
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And if they are like the teens I know that play those games, they probably won't even notice the music unless it's head banger rock.
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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Benjamin Jayne


Orange County California, USA
Post  Posted 14 Dec 2011 7:46 pm    
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The music from Fallout New Vegas was the first thing that got me interested in the game. heard it playing while my little brother (he's 25, but still little to me) was playing it at a family get together (he's not the social type) and it peaked my fancy. Quite a fun game, and the music makes it so much more enjoyable.
Lamar S-10, Goodrich L10K VP, Carvin Vintage 16 all-tube amp, John Pearse Cryogenic steel tone bar, John Pearse strings.
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