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Author Topic:  "Sleepwalk": Steel Guitarist from Italy
Kay Das

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2011 10:12 pm    
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My friend Salvatore Cerami from Palermo in Italy , who accompanied me on a Stratocaster on our version of "Aloha 'Oe" posted on this forum a few months back in addition to being an accomplished guitarist is also, like self, a steel guitar enthusiast and a harmonica player.

Here is Sal's "grass roots" version of this steel guitar evergreen. And his own words, "Here's my version of "Sleepwalk" as I recorded about eight years ago. I recorded it with analog equipments, two CD records Philips, one microphone and a Gibson J-45 eq. with Fishman. For the lead I played a old Eko Fiesta acoustic guitar of 1971...very bad conditions, bad strings, very high action, etc. ..but excellent to play with bottleneck. I used a tuning in open "E" and a glass bottleneck from a bottle of whiskey. I remember I have tried to replicate the sound of the original hawaiian guitar, so, no steel guitar, dobro or lap-steel, but just the sound of real hawaiian guitar of the roots."

His only regret is that he did not drink the whiskey from the bottle...


Give him a round of applause!

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