Jack Willis
From: California, USA
Posted 31 Oct 2011 11:56 am
I purchased an incredible Mullen SD-10 from a forum member a few weeks ago. In the listing Mickey offered to whoever purchased this guitar that if sent to him first he would drag a comb through it, clean it, adjust as needed and pretty much eliminate any issues that otherwise would have arrived on my doorstep. Also he offered to install LKV if desired (it was). During the time all of this was taking place, Mickey kept me informed of any and all pertinent information concerning this sight unseen guitar. His excitement about the initial condition of my guitar was welcome news. All worked out extrememly well. What I found when I opened the guitar case for the first time was for all practical purposes a new Mullen SD-10. Any and all issues the guitar may have had were left on Mickey's workbench in TEXAS (TEXAS should always be spelled in upper case). In addition to his installing a True Tone PUP, new fretboard and strings Mickey also installed his name on my list of friends. So, I highly recommend following my lead if you are going to buy a guitar sight unseen in the future. Any questions about the condition of a used guitar will become answers and past problems. They arrive on Mickeys doorstep and not yours. Mickey is also there for any and all follow up question you may have with your new guitar. So, Thanks again Mickey. Jack Willis _________________ Mullen SD10 pre RP, Milkman 40w mini steel, Wet reverb mono, Profex II, Yamaha keyboard, lots of books about music theory and PSG. |
Mickey Adams
From: Bandera Texas
Posted 1 Nov 2011 11:34 am
Jack!...Thanks for the "pat on the back"..!!..The guitar you got was in great shape to begin with, so my part was pretty easy...I did tear the cage down, since i needed to put a solid shaft in it (Not the split shaft)...I replaced all the bushings just in case, and in the end...well, you know how THAT guitar sounds...shes a REALLY good one, and should last you a lifetime...Call anytime, no question too small!...And thanks again!...Mick _________________ ARTIST RELATIONS: MSA GUITARS
2017 MSA LEGEND XL D10, S10, Studio Pro S12 EXE9
Mullen G2, Rittenberry S10, Infinity D10, Zumsteel 8+9
Anderson, Buscarino, Fender, Roman Guitars, Sarno Octal, Revelation Preamps, BJS BARS, Lots of Blackface Fenders! |